Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can You Improve Prostate Health with Selenium and Vitamin E?

Scientists from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston reported that exposure of biopsy samples from people with cancer to Selenium or Vitamin E, or both, expressed certain genes in the prostate.

Combined exposure producing results similar to that observed in people with no prostate cancer.

Lead author Dimitria Tsavachidou wrote in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,"To the best of our knowledge, this study was the first detailed systematic pathological interrogation to be completed in
preoperative patients with favorable risk prostate cancer.”

Of course we have been teaching about the importance of Selenium, Vitamin E, and the 90 Essential nutrients for years, back when it was considered "quackery." Let us answer your specific health questions here:

You can get Selenium and other quality nutrients here:


The National Eye Institute in Bethesda, MD recently announced research concluding that a diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids could promote healthy eyes. Personally, macular degeneraiton is important to me because it runs in my family, so this is really important news to me.

The researchers found that a diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids could retard the progression of lesions in a mouse model of Age related Macular Degeneration ro AMD. The Fatty Acids were also associated with the improvement in some lesions. Studies have already reported that Omega 3 may protect against the onset of AMD

“The results in these mice are in line with the epidemiological studies of AMD risk reduction by long chain Omega 3 Fatty Acids,” wrote the researchers in the American Journal of Pathology.

We already know that Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and particularly DHA, play an important role in the layer of nerve cells in the retina.

This truly is exciting news about eye health, something most of us take for granted. Essential Fatty Acids are a part of my daily health regimen. Along with Beyond Tangy Tangerine, EFA Plus can help you get the 90 Essential Nutrients you need on a daily basis to avoid hundreds of nutritional deficiency diseases.

Go search Beyond Tangy Tangerine and EFA Plus here: