Saturday, December 15, 2012

More Weight Loss Shakes!

Make your own simple weight loss shakes. They are much healthier than the garbage weight loss shakes out there and they taste better too!

Here's a new Weight Loss Shake recipe for fat loss. Make sure you check out the blog for more delicious shakes or smoothies.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Weight Loss Shake

5 ice cubes
1 frozen banana
2 scoops of Chocolate SlenderFX Meal Replacement Shake 
I like to use SlenderFX instead of protein powder because of the vitamins and healthy things in it
1 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
1/2 tsp cocoa powder
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp Slimtevia or to taste
Slimtevia was developed to use the entire taste of the plant, which takes out the bittter taste
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

Mix it up in your blender and enjoy! I love my little Magic Bullet blender, but here's a link to several blenders you may want to check out: Click here for blenders

Product Details                                       

For more ideas on cooking for weight loss check out Metabolic Cooking!

Brian Sater
Better Life Communication

Weight Loss Shakes!

If you haven't seen them here on the blog, I want to encourage you to make your own simple weight loss shakes. They are much healthier than the garbage weight loss shakes out there and they taste better too!

Here's a new Weight Loss Shake recipe and make sure you check out the blog for more delicious shakes or smoothies.

Vanilla Nutella Banana Weight Loss Milkshake

5 ice cubes
1 frozen banana
2 scoops of Vanilla SlenderFX Meal Replacement Shake 
I like to use SlenderFX instead of protein powder
1 tbsp Nutella
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp Slimtevia or to taste
Slimtevia was developed to use the entire taste of the plant, which takes out the bittter taste
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt

Mix it up in your blender and enjoy! I love my little Magic Bullet blender, but here's a link to several blenders you may want to check out: Click here for blenders

Product Details                                       

For more ideas on cooking for weight loss check out Metabolic Cooking!

Brian Sater

Better Life Communication

Reduce the Chance of Tumors

New Benefits of Resveratrol Have Been Discovered for Tumors

The words "French Paradox" came to light to describe how the French had such a high-fat diet, but they had low incidence of heart disease. In 1992,  research began focusing on resveratrol, which is a compound found in the skin of grapes, since the French consume so much red wine. 
Research has found since then  that resveratrol may include many health benefits including the potential to fight diabetes, have anti-inflammatory properties, benefit the cardiovascular and neurological systems.
Now researchers may have discovered the most important benefit of resveratrol and that is reducing the chances of getting tumors in the bowel by 50%!
At the resveratrol 2012 Conference in Leicester, England, researches suggested that a daily dose of resveratrol, equivalent to two glasses of red wine, could reduce the chances of bowel tumors by 50%.
They are conducting clinical trials to determine the best dose of resveratrol and the various health benefits associated with it. 
Resveratrol is very significant in helping the body to fight against diseases which degenerate the body as we age. 
Resveratrol can be found in Cell Shield RTQ™ (Item #21203). Cell Shield RTQ™ delivers a highly bioavailable, proprietary blend of three powerful antioxidants Resveratrol: 200mg, Turmeric: 300mg, and Quercetin: 400mg for potent protection against cell-damaging free radicals.*
(Source: Steve Wallach, AL International)

Brian Sater
Better Life Communication

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Healthy Food for Weight Loss

Today I took a look in the fridge and put together a delicious salad:

I had some Green Leaf lettuce, Roma tomatoes, orange and yellow carrots, mushrooms, and I added an apple for some sweetness. This is a great healthy food for weight loss and I will eat some later with a tenderloin and some squash. 

Later on I'm going to plan my meals and write down some snack ideas for the rest of the week. I'll go through my Metabolic Cooking cookbooks and have fun putting together some yummy meals. 

If you're interested in learning how to cook for weight and fat loss, you can check out Metabolic Cooking by Clicking Here

Here's to your better life, 


Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Friday, November 30, 2012

How Vitamin D Helps with Weight Loss and Diabetes

Today I'm going to tell you how Vitamin D can help you and about an amazing natural supplement designed specifically for diabetics.

Here's some interesting information on Vitamin D and Diabetes. Researchers are now finding that diabetics with low levels of Vitamin D may be more at risk for heart disease.

Because of these low levels of Vitamin D, certain white blood cells are allowed to adhere to the walls of the blood vessels. The blood is not allowed to flow because of a blockage in this case.

Vitamin D has been shown to boost the recovery of children when they are sick, improve development of the brain in babies, increase recovery of people with TB, and increase life expectancy of people with heart disease and diabetes.

That's not to mention the great benefits of Vitamin D in joint and bone health by helping maintain calcium at good levels.

My favorite source of Vitamin D is something called Osteo-fx PLUS. It has calcium, magnesium, and other great vitamins and minerals combined. I take it everyday.

You can grab some Osteo-fx PLUS here 

The most incredible supplement I have ever seen produced for diabetics is something called Sweet Eze.
Sweet Eze contains chromium, which has been clinically shown to promote healthy blood sugar levels. It also has these botanicals: gynmena leaf, jambul seed, bitter melon fruit, and cinnamon.

Sweet Eze is also part of a weight loss system program called Slender FX. 

You can find Sweet Eze and the Slender FX weight loss program by clicking here

Here's to better life,


Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Weight Loss Shakes - Do It The Healthy Way!

Everyone wants an easy fix to weight loss. Weight loss shakes has been one of them. Many weight loss shakes are in a can so you can just grab them and go. That's a problem.

I know you want to lose weight but you are not putting nutrition into your body with those cheap weight loss shakes. Instead, you should make a delicious weight loss shake that is healthy for you.

You don't want to be taking in products that have artificial flavorings and other ingredients that are hazardous to your health. You do want to put into your body the right amount of fats, carbs, and proteins to help your metabolism burn your fat.

If you have looked at the blog, you know I am a huge fan of metabolic cooking. In Dave and Karine's Metabolic Cooking program, they have a specific cookbook called Metabolicious Smoothies. This has become my favorite part of the program.

I have a few recipes for my favorite smoothies or weight loss shakes here on the blog. In a nutshell, here is what I do. I put in some ice chips, almond milk, protein powder or Slender FX, Greek yogurt, stevia or Slimtevia, and some frozen fruit.

There may be a ingredient or two I may add depending on what I am making, but it is a great recipe for a delicious, weight loss shake. You will really enjoy it. While you are here, check out the recipes I've shared for Chocolate Banana and Blueberry Shakes.

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss

I noticed that I haven't posted a recipe on here for a bit.  If you haven't seen them, I have many healthy recipes for weight loss here on the blog. Try this great treat for dinner:

When you are looking for healthy recipes for weight loss, you have to check out recipes like this from Dave and Karine's cookbook by clicking here

Saturday, November 17, 2012

How Weight Loss and Diabetes Affect You

How important is it to be aware of diabetes? My guess is that if you don't have diabetes, you know someone who does. Why do I say this?

1 in 3 American adults are projected to have diabetes by the year 2050.

Almost 26 million adults and children here in the U.S. do have diabetes.

You may be of 79 million Americans at risk for Type-2 diabetes.

Type-2 diabetes should not be expected, but prevented. We don't have to live like this and we should not accept this. You can make some simple lifestyle choices to avoid the dangers that come with diabetes.

When I make my smoothies, I use Slender Fx chocolate or vanilla mix in them. This is great for weight control and is a great and healthier substitute for normal protein powder.

I really want to emphasize how important this next item is. No one has ever developed a healthy supplement that helps prevent and reduce diabetes. Sweet Eze was designed to regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

Sweet Eze has vanadium, chromium, and supportive herbs to truly be able to help you with your blood sugar levels. By making some smart choices with your diet, including activity in your life, and using healthy supplements, you can avoid diabetes and other life changing diseases.

If you have been following the blog, you know that I really like to promote cooking and preparing your food to burn fat and keep you metabolism at an optimum level. You can check out metabolic cooking clicking here

You can start an exercise program at your level and exercise smarter in the least amount of time. Check out the 7 minute workout and click here

Make sure you sign up as a distributor (for as little as $10) or as a preferred customer for free to get a 30% discount to get Slender FX  and Sweet Eze

Here's to your health and fitness,

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

It's Diabetes Awareness Month!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Three Important Tips for Men’s Health and Fitness

These days, increasingly more men are interested in health and fitness programs. This is not surprising since most people are concerned about obesity and health conditions today such as diabetes, heart disease, prostate cancer and more.

These are more than enough reasons to motivate anyone to get into good shape. Today you’ll discover the three main reasons for success in men’s health and fitness. 

There is no easy and quick way for you to get in good shape, so you must be prepared to put in the time and effort to achieve the desired results. A combination of a healthy diet, strength training and cardio exercises will go a long way towards your overall fitness.

Follow these tips to lose weight and stay fit:

1. Keep a Training Log: If you are really serious about fitness, you need to keep a record of all workout activities to monitor your progress. Write down the exercises for each workout session, along with the amount of weight that you want to lose.

Next, make a note of the amount of repetitions that was done after every exercise. This information will help you to see which areas you need to improve on. A good recommendation is to increase your weight lifting activities after reaching your weight goals.

2. Training Sessions: When designing your exercise workouts, you should add weight lifting for at least 3 times weekly. This will help you to get the best results from your training sessions.

These workouts can encourage muscle growth. The idea is to lift weights 3 to 4 times weekly so that your muscles will rebuild and grow constantly. Keep in mind that your muscles will return to their original size if they are not under constant pressure to grow.

3. Eat Lots of Protein: When compared to women, it is much easier for men to lose weight. For this reason, men’s health and fitness programs always recommend lots of protein for proper muscle recovery and growth.

In general, men who are working out 4 or more times each week must eat about one gram of protein on those days for each pound of body weight. It’s also important to eat meals with 0.25 grams of protein right after each workout.

If possible, try to eat thirty minutes after a rigorous workout because your body will need some high-quality protein to recover fully. The best way to build muscles is to add proteins that can break down easily into amino acids. Some of the sources for high-quality protein include eggs, whey and chicken breasts.

Hopefully, these simple men’s fitness tips for will help you achieve your goals. As long as you are motivated, you can get in good shape and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

I encourage people to eat better and workout smarter. Check out our metabolic cooking to speed up your fat burning with what you eat and learn how to cut your workout time and increase your results by clicking here.

Best of luck with your fitness goals, 

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Weight Loss Advice for the Couch Potato.

Couch Potato.

We've all heard the term. You sit on your couch, watch tv, eat.
The thing is, you not only just sit there like a lump, like a potato,
you start to look like one too!

You may go to work and sit doing a desk job all day long. Then what?
You are probably mentally tired and you come home to rest from your
long day.

What do you do? You sit down and veg out. You don't move and when you
don't move, you start to lose your muscle and you don't feed your body.

My physical therapist friends have a saying. Motion is lotion.

What can you do?

Take a walk. Play a game with your kids, basketball,
soccer, anything active. Take your dog for a walk. Garden. Shovel some
snow. Take a walk around the mall.

It doesn't matter what you do, it's what you don't. Don't sit around
all of the time. Take action. Just do something simple. Your body will
thank you.

Start a simple exercise program and work up to a more rigorous routine
as you are ready.

The best program I know for this is 7 Minute Muscle. I use the warmup
routine for 3 minutes, focus on one body part 5 days a week for 7 minutes,
then I do 9 minutes of cardio.

If you are counting, that's 19 minutes. In the time it takes me to get dressed
into exercise clothes and back out, I am only spending 30 minutes a day on

Go check out 7 minute muscle by clicking here

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mens Fitness Today

For most men, the urge to maintain their fitness has been a primary motivator for them to remain physically active in sports, weight training or ensuring that they get their weekly quota of work out sessions.

Today more and more men are leaving the comforts of their home and getting into the gym for a well orchestrated and disciplined work out in consultation with the instructor at the gym. 

This trend has also been helped by the fact that many of the gyms have reduced their rates to get in serious members who will continue with them and not drop off midway through.

So how are men working out at these gyms?

Bench pressing and treadmill running along with weight training remain the preferred activities. 

However, cycling and yoga training too are being demanded by many men due to the fact that these activities help them to maintain their body suppleness, helps them meet their cardio workout regimen and also provides them with mental peace.

It must be said here that each individual is different and needs to work out his or own structure of exercises for maintaining their fitness. Men's fitness routines can never be the same for everybody. 

While some would like to just run or take a brisk walk, others would hit the gym to build muscle specifically and concentrate on getting that part right.

Exercise broadly can be split into categories of aerobic, anaerobic and flexibility heads.

The aerobic exercises are for building endurance and stamina through activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming and running. The anaerobic ones are where you use weights as well as intersperse high intensity training in short bursts to acquire quick muscles.

Flexibility exercises are for building suppleness through stretching.

The crucial aspect is to get the balance right between all these three. There is no great benefit acquired in concentrating on only one of them if you have to maintain your fitness.

Moreover, they are also interlinked and complement each other perfectly. Hence men's fitness programs are often a combination of all the three structured such that equal attention and time are given to each of them.

You need to shed fat and at the same time build muscle so that you do not end up looking too weak. Working out the correct balance between cardio workouts and anaerobic exercises is therefore most essential.

Men's fitness programs are also being structured such that there is no boredom creeping in and members are able to sustain their enthusiasm for a long time.

I utilize a unique system which allows me to do a total workout in just 30 minutes each day. I use 3 minutes for warm up exercises, 7 minutes targeting a different body part each day, and 9 minutes of cardio.

Discover the smarter and healthier ways to achieve your goals with men's fitness programs designed for you. You can learn more on my website, The Ideal Fitness program for Men by clicking here

For the 7 minute workout, click here

Here's to your better body, 


Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Help with Weight Loss

The biggest recommendation I have to help with weight loss is to prevent yourself from making a bad decision. That's easy to say, but how do you do it?

How do I not become a victim to my bad hunger decisions? Like anything else you need to do to accomplish something, it takes a little planning.

Here are my biggest excuses:
I didn't have time to do it.
I woke up too late to get ready and I don't have a lunch.
I forgot my lunch (excuse or denial?).

When you let yourself win the excuse battle and not the planning and take charge battle, not only will your waistline suffer, but so will your overall health.

A doctor asked me, "Do you know why some third world countries have people that live longer and healthier than we do?" His answer was,"They don't have roads to build the fast food drive-thrus."

While this is funny, it is true. We fall victim to the fast food trap and put all kinds of bad stuff in our bodies by doing so.

When you focus on your decisions to make good choices on food, you won't have any excuses. And your health will improve.

First, do you have junk food in the house? Guess what? If you do, you're going to eat it. Get rid of the bad food.

Second, take a day that's an off day for you. If you work during the week, take a weekend day. If you have a day off during the week, use that.

On your off day, cut up vegetables, cook up some meat, and plan your meals for the week so you don't have to worry about what is for dinner or not having time to prepare it. That way you can just grab your meat, put your vegies together with it, and you've got a meal.

What's the saying? A failure to plan is a plan to fail.

Another thing I have written about is to have a snack list on the fridge. That way you don't say to yourself, "Man, I'm hungry. What's in the fridge?" Then you stare in the fridge for awhile trying to figure out what you want.

I may have some fruit on hand for a treat. I'll put grapes, bananas, or apples on the list. I probably have my favorite nut mix around, pistachios, almonds, and cashews. If I have cut up some celery on my off day, I can grab some natural nut butter and have it with my celery sticks.

I could have a little dark chocolate for a treat. Click here for my favorite: healthy chocolate.
I might scramble up an egg or slice up an avocado.

I also make my own protein bars. I got the idea from Karine Losier. They are healthy and don't have all of those preservatives that can kill you. Plus they're yummy.

Karine, or better known as the Lean Kitchen Queen, has a great program called Metabolic Cooking. I have several cookbooks that came in a package from her very inexpensively.

She will even plan out your meal program for you if you like. That takes all of the guess work out of it.
You can find her great fat loss cooking program here: Metabolic Cooking.

So remember to plan and you'll be planning for your health.
I hope you enjoyed these tips to help with weight loss,


Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Chocolate Banana Fat Loss Smoothie

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let everyone know that saw my YouTube video on the Chocolate Banana Fat Loss Smoothie what the recipe was. I have it here in the blog, but I wanted to post it again, because it is delicious.
I scoop chocolate protein powder (I get my mine here:
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt.
1 cup crushed ice.
1 cup almond milk.
1 tsp cocoa powder.
1/2 cup frozen bananas or more to taste
1 Tbsp Stevia or Slimtevia
Blend it up and enjoy!

You have to check out more great fat loss Smoothie recipes by clicking here:
Metabolicious Smoothies

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Saturday, November 10, 2012

7 Ways You Can Have Fast Weight Loss

Don't fall for the latest and greatest diet you see with your favorite celebrity on a magazine cover. See how the stars lose weight by....

Did you know those diets work? They work for maybe two weeks.

But they also put your health at risk.

After losing a couple of pounds, your body will end up craving food. You usually put on more weight with these diets.

Your body will have been in starvation mode for a few weeks and be telling you,"Man, I'm hungry. I really have to eat!" Most people not only put that fat back on, but they put even more weight on than they begin with!

You can now learn 7 ways you can fast weight loss and stay healthy.

1. Quit drinking diet soda. Obesity and diet soda have been demonstrated in research studies. Most diet sodas are sweetened with aspartame and others have other sweeteners like sucralose.

An artificial sweetener can make you feel like you haven't had much to eat. You then feel hungry and eat even more. You can also eat more because you tell yourself you just had a diet soda.

Artificial sweeteners have been linked to tumors. They can kill the good flora in your gut you need for digestion.

2.Choose a better drink. Water is a healthy choice of drink. Water is good for several reasons.

For one thing water fills you up and for another, it helps cleanse your body. Sobe Lifewater was recommended to me as a great zero calorie alternative.

3. Stop drinking juice. Drinking fruit juice isn't the healthy choice you think it is. It can be a fast track to diabetes because of the natural sugar. It's not uncommon to find almost 40 grams of sugar in just 8 ounces in some juices.

4. Whole wheat should be cut out too. It's difficult to find 100% whole wheat without reading the label. I read a good tip on replacing whole wheat with sprouted grains.

5. Decrease your dairy. Packing in the dairy means packing on the pounds. Almond milk can be really good. By getting rid of the dairy, you also get rid of 1/3 of your calories plus the bloating.

6. The number one thing you can do to lose weight fast is to eat whole foods and not any food in a box. When you grab fresh food you feel better and want to eat some more.

Include more vegetables than fruits. Fruit, like juice, has a lot of sugar content, so you should eat it sparingly.

7. If you are coming over here from an article site, this is my #7 recommendation to lose weight fast with my list of fat loss foods!

Eat six small meals throughout the day and include protein in each one. This will jump start your metabolism and it will start burning calories for you.

Fat Loss Foods. Include these foods in your diet and you will be helping your metabolism burn some fat!

Berries, Plain Greek Yogurt, Protein powder (I use those three in smoothies, check the blog!).
Cinnamon, Stevia - or better yet, Slimtevia, it doesn't have the bitter aftertaste.
White turkey meat, Salmon, Chicken, and lean red meats
Beans, Peas, Corn on the cob, Potatoes
Apples, Dried pears, and figs
and don't forget other foods with potassium like:
White mushrooms, white beans, dried apricots, and bananas.

If you want some great fat loss recipes, you have to check out Karine's Metabolicious recipes by clicking here.

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Check out Today's Great Salad Idea for your Weight Loss

What's in the fridge today? A lot of times, that's how I start looking at what I want to make a salad.
It's lunch time right now and I knew I had a variety of healthy things in there, so I started searching.

Here's what I found:
Butter lettuce.
Baby carrots.
Gala apple.

I like to put some fruit in my salads and when I toss it, it gets sweet and I don't need salad dressing. You can pack on an easy 100 calories with just a little bit of salad dressing. Check out how the salad turned out here:

Enjoy your food!

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Monday, October 29, 2012

How to Live Longer and Feel Younger

Someone was asking me over at my Facebook page,

how to sign up for the Free Report,"How to Live Younger Longer. 10 Secrets for Longevity!"

If you haven't noticed it, just look to the right of this page.

There's a little sign up form. You can get the Free Report and you get a Free subscription to my newsletter, The Better Life.

The Better Life has lots of great tips on health and fitness, trivia, and some jokes thrown in there too.

Looking forward to having you as a friend in the newsletter!

Brian Sater

Sunday, October 28, 2012

How to Incinerate Body Fat Like Crazy with Unique Fat Loss Recipes

Cooking when trying to lose body fat can be tricky, we all know that. Today I have really good news for you!

My friends Karine Losier and Dave Ruel spent the past year or so crafting the perfect "metabolic" recipe book.

I highly recommend this for your kitchen if you want to get leaner, do it faster, and have it taste BETTER than ever:

My TOP Fatloss Recipe Book--- click to see how tasty it is!


What is "metabolic cooking"?

Simply stated, it's a unique way of preparing food that combines nutrients specifically geared for melting off body fat FASTER than normal.

Here's what I really love about Metabolic Cooking:

1. The recipes are made from foods with a high Metabolic Thermo-Charge: more calories burned faster without losing taste...

2. They structured the cookbooks around their incredibly helpful "Metabolic Nutri-Profile"... this makes it SUPER easy to use...

3. It's been specifically designed to fight the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon: That is what happens when you are on a diet plan and you all of a sudden stop dropping body fat!

Taste, ease, and metabolism-boosting power.

You need nothing more.

The BEST recipes for faster fat loss --- Yummy recipes to melt bodyfat

Brian Sater

Did You Know That Dietary Fat Promotes Weight Loss?

It doesn't seems right. Your natural thought is that you have to keep fat out of your diet so that you lose weight, right? Well, yes and no. Dietary fat is actually an essential nutrient. It can promote the loss of fat from your body.

If you eat carbohydrates, your body will break those carbs down and digest them. As your body goes through this process, it burns energy. If you eat proteins, it does the same.

If you consume dietary fat? It doesn't matter. Your body still breaks it down and digests it.

So what determines whether or not you gain weight? Energy that comes in to your body and energy leaving is your total energy balance.

One of the reasons that you want to eat fat is because dietary fat makes sure you aren't hungry for awhile. That's because fats take a long time to digest.

 If you have a non-fat meal, you will be hungry sooner. Just a few grams of fat will satisfy you for hours. 

You need to be making sure you are getting the right nutrients into your body. Dietary fats help with the absorption of minerals and vitamins in your body. Make sure you choose the right kind of fats, though.

Unsaturated fats and omega fats are the best to support your complete health. Here are some examples of bad fats and good fats:

Good fats are things like olive oils, nut butters and nuts, flax seeds and other seeds, fish, and one of my favorites, avocados.

Fried foods are one of the worst ways to get bad fat. Dairy with high fat in it, snack foods with high fat, high fat meats, and trans fats.

Remember that fats are dense calories so you do want to be aware of them. Make sure you are including good measures of vegetables in your diet.

I like to keep some of favorite nuts around for snacks. One of my favorite treats is a mix of pistachios, almonds, and cashews.

However, just like you don't want to open a bag of chips and sit and eat the whole bag (or eat chips at all), take a handful of nuts so you don't just keep eating them.

You can also choose coconut milk. How can you use coconut milk? You can add it to yogurt, oatmeal, or put into a smoothie. I have smoothie ideas here on the blog, so check them out too.

A good recommendation for fat loss is to make sure you are eating proteins, fats, and vegetables as the main part of your diet. Fruit and grains should be considered treats.

Don't pile fruits and grains up on your plate. Those are the foods that should be considered treats.

I hope you were able to understand the importance of healthy fats as part of your diet. Don't forget to include them for good weight loss because they targeting your fat.

You can get a complete RECIPE BOOK and program on how to use fat to lose weight by clicking right here:
Metabolic Cooking

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What You Are Eating and Drinking To Lose Weight That's Actually Bad for You

There are a lot of myths out there about losing weight. There's also a lot of advice that we get which may be well-intentioned, but flat-out wrong. I'm going to show you some typical things that you are eating and drinking that you have been told are healthy, but just aren't.

Let's start out with a drink. You're done with your workout and you do like you see the athletes do on TV. You get a Gatorade. Do you know what the second ingredient is listed on the Gatorade bottle? It's high fructose corn syrup!

That high fructose corn syrup can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and more. Besides water, a great natural product you can use to replenish those minerals you've just sweated out is Rebound. You can find it below on the blog.

Next, let's look at waking up in the morning and having a good old bowl of healthy cereal. Cereal companies pay advertisers a lot of money to make their boxes look attractive and to tell you how healthy their cereal is.

When you look at the label, most cereals have a lot of sugar in each serving. Have you ever looked at what a serving size is? You usually have about 3 servings in your bowl.

That sugar will give your body hunger cravings. That's why you're hungry not soon after. What's the best kind of cereal to have? You want to check the label and make sure you are looking for low sugar and high fiber. Oatmeal, and I am talking about steel oats here, is your best bet.

What's wrong with yogurt? Did you know that most yogurt has tons of sugar? Like I said above, sugar will give you cravings and you will eat more. One of those small containers can have more than 20 grams of sugar!

I started eating Greek Yogurt because you get twice the protein and half the sugar of those other yogurt. My favorite way to have Greek yogurt? In a Smoothie with some protein powder, frozen fruit, ice, almond milk, and Stevia.

I bet you're also being told to eat whole wheat. Whole wheat grains in bread and pasta don't have nutrition. Why? Because when they are processed, the natural fiber and nutrition have been almost completely stripped out.

These are what they call complex carbs. These complex carbs get stored as fat in your body because they act like sugar. Guess which part of your body they get stored as fat first? Your midsection, as belly fat.

Whole wheat bread has to say 100% whole wheat on its label to make sure you are getting just that. What alternative do you have? Sprouted grains. Breads such as Ezekiel 4:9 are available in that variety.

I hope I have debunked some healthy food myths. I hope that I have also given you some healthy alternatives to help you with your weight loss. Remember, the healthiest food is always the one that doesn't come in a box.

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Healthy Ways to Re Hydrate Your Body

When you sweat, you lose fluid and not just water. You lose those precious minerals that you have in your body. That's one reason why couch potatoes live 13 years longer than athletes. Athletes sweat more in 5 years than a normal person would in one. 

Athletes don't replace those minerals and are at more risk for nutritional deficiency diseases. At the extreme, when you become dehydrated you may experience fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. 

More commonly, when you start feeling dehydrated you get light headed or dizzy (that's me), sleepy, thirsty, and may have dry mouth.

Now let me share with you my favorite way to stay hydrated.

Water is great You should be drinking plenty of it daily. Just water will not replace those minerals you sweat out that I mentioned earlier. If you're going to drink bottled water, get some that is really pure like 360 Water.

We're all familiar with sports drinks, but most of them have tons of sugar and aren't healthy at all for you. Here's my favorite healthy choice. It's called Rebound FX. You'll get the minerals you need which we talked about, a natural balance of antioxidants, and you can pick from four great flavors. Unlike some popular high sodium sports drinks that may have a couple of nutrients, Rebound FX has 100!
(Source: Steve Wallach and Yougevity International).

You can get 360 Water and Rebound fx at

Change Your Weight Loss Workout to 30 Minutes or Less

When I first heard about losing weight with the 7-Minute Muscle workout, I thought this was hocus pocus or a workout for freaks, not you and me. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found, though.  Jon Benson put together a fantastic program, for an everyday guy like me to a bodybuilder.

I do have a word of warning for you, though. When you first start reading, don't get scared away by all of the research in this. The workout is in here. If you don't want to get bogged down in the science of it, don't run away, go to the workout.

In a sentence, this workout is research-based. You will lose weight. You will lose fat because you are working out smarter. The exercises and system provided in here allow you to spend less time working out and more time doing what you want to do.

You literally, can, workout in 7 minutes a day.

As with all exercise programs, check with your doctor first to see if you are healthy enough for it. I also would suggest that if you are not in great shape, as many people aren't, just start a little easier and go at your level.

Jon goes into great detail on the "hows" and "whys." I said you could get lost in this, but what is really cool is how he gives you photos, detailed descriptions, and video links to show you how to do the exercises! This was awesome!

What I did with his system is add the 3-minute warm-up, the 7-minute workout, and the 9-minute cardio together for a daily workout. That's only 19 minutes of  exercise time each day. It's an amazingly focused way to workout which is why it is so effective.

In the time it takes me to get up, throw some workout clothes on, do these exercises, and warm down, I have spent only 30 minutes in all! So if you're spending hours at the gym not getting anywhere with your workout, check this out.

You can use this at the gym and not spend so much time there as well. You've got to go check out Jon Benson's "7 Minute Muscle" by Clicking Here

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lose Weight with Healthy Ice Cream

Hi everyone!

I was doing the "frig stare" the other day, wondering what to eat. You know, you open your refrigerator and look inside for something to eat just staring because you don't know what you want to eat?

I don't like to do this. I like to have a plan or a list on my frig of healthy ideas of food to eat. This happens to all of us from time to time, though doesn't it?

I saw some plain Greek Yogurt sitting there. I could have made a Smoothie - you can see some of my ideas here on the blog, for those. I did have a hankering for blueberries. I decided to have a snack with some of the blueberrries, Greek yogurt, and I put some Stevia in for sweetening.

But I also thought that I would like some ice cream later. I had enough leftover that I just put my Greek Yogurt container in the freezer with the blueberries and Stevia mixed in.

Now I had a healthy alternative for a snack later on! Healthy ice cream. Try it, you'll lose weight, or more importantly, lose body fat.

Be sure to check out the Metabolic Cooking recipes by clicking here

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Monday, October 1, 2012

Healthy, Delicious Smoothies!

Here is one of my favorite Smoothie Recipes I recently discovered:


                                              1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder
                                 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt
                                   1  cup frozen blueberries
                                   Pinch of Stevia
                                   1 cup water
                                    5 ice cubes

                               Now blend and enjoy!

I made a little change to this recipe. Instead of water, I used almond milk. You can also add a drop of maple flavoring if you want. It's fun to experiment!

There are a bunch of great Smoothie recipes included in the Metabolic Cooking Cookbooks! Check them out by clicking here!

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do You Have Enough Bacteria?

Say the word bacteria and everyone thinks about the bugs that make you ill.

Did you know that we have over 100 trillion bacteria? In your mouth, on your

skin, in your nose, and in your stomach.

Healthy bacteria, like probiotic bacteria I'm sure you've heard of, helps our

digestive tract. Did you know that we have bacteria that helps our neuronal,

immune, and endocrine systems?

The only place where your body breaks down and absorbs nutrients is your stomach.

If you have bad absorption, you have less nutrients available for you body.

It's common knowledge that probiotics can return tht balance of healthy bacteria

in your digestive tract.

I'm sure you have heard how yogurt has probiotics and can help you get the

healthy bacteria you need in your gut. Other foods like kefir, Miso soup, and

Sauerkraut also can give you this. Don't like any of these?

How about dark chocolate? Now we're talking, right? Now I want you to imagine a

chocolate that also includes blueberries and quercetin for extra antioxidants, is

gluten free, all natural, dairy free, and has Probiotics.

Triple Treat Chocolate is one of the world's best dark chocolates and will also

promote healthy bacteria that you need for optimum health.

(Source: Steve Wallach, Youngevity Int'l)

You can go to  and  get either Triple Treat Chocolate or

Triple Truffle Chocolate. You can also get 30% OFF when you order.

Any questions, just let me know!

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fat-Burning Breakfast! Apple Oatmeal Pancakes!

Get ready for Saturday morning with a great fat-burning breakfast.
Today's fat-burning recipe is Apple Oatmeal Pancakes!

Check out Metabolic Cooking by Clicking Here!

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Tonight's Monster Salad!

      Here I dug into the fridge and looked at the cupboard and put
    together another Monster Salad. My favorite way to make a
      big salad is to just grab as many colors as I can, put 'em
together, and it tastes great!

I had some romaine lettuce in there, found a cuke, tomato,
carrotts, peaches, pears, and strawberries!

Some people ask me what I use for salad dressing. I didn't use any.
I love the fruit in there and I don't feel like I need salad dressing.
Besides, salad dressing adds at least 100 calories and most dressings
you want to avoid because of the high processing.

What's great about a Monster Salad? I can eat as much as I like!

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tonight's Fat Burning Recipe!

I've got another fat-burning recipe for you tonight from Dave and Karen Ruel's Metabolic Cooking fat loss cookbook. This one is dinner: Apple Mustard Pork Tenderloin. Enjoy!


                 Discover How to Lose Fat by Cooking this Way     Just Click Here

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More Fat Burning Recipes!

I've been going over the program, Metabolic Cooking and sharing recipes with you
to help learn fat-burning recipes.

Yesterday, I shared Southwestern Eggs.  Today I've got Ginger Beef! Check it out:

    I hope you are enjoying these recipes and learning how to burn fat at the same time.
    More to come,

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Delicious, Healthy Fat Loss Recipes

Hey everyone,

I have been checking out Karine Losier and Dave Ruel 's Metabolic Cooking.
What is "metabolic cooking"?

I's a unique way of preparing food that combines nutrients specifically geared for melting off body fat FASTER than normal.

I'm going to start sharing some of these great, fat-dropping recipes.
Here's today's recipe:

                                                            Southwesthern Eggs

Makes 1 Serving
Perfect for a snack, spread or sandwich

• 1 whole hard-boiled egg

• 3 hard boiled eggs, whites only

• 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt

• Pinch of chilli powder

• Pinch of garlic powder

• Pinch of onion powder

• 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar


1. Peel the eggs and slice the eggs in half.

2. Carefully remove 3 yolks (leaving 1 yolk) into a mixing bowl.

3. Mash the eggs with a fork. Stir in, yogurt, chilli powder, garlic powder, onion powder, apple cider vinegar, and mix until creamy.

Nutritional Facts (Per Serving) :

Calories: 129

Protein: 20g

Carbohydrates: 1g

Fat: 5g

There's an entire cookbook here of delicious, fat-burning recipes. You can pick it up by
clicking here.

I'll be sharing some more great recipes, so try them out and look for more in the next few days.

Take care,


Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication