Saturday, November 17, 2012

How Weight Loss and Diabetes Affect You

How important is it to be aware of diabetes? My guess is that if you don't have diabetes, you know someone who does. Why do I say this?

1 in 3 American adults are projected to have diabetes by the year 2050.

Almost 26 million adults and children here in the U.S. do have diabetes.

You may be of 79 million Americans at risk for Type-2 diabetes.

Type-2 diabetes should not be expected, but prevented. We don't have to live like this and we should not accept this. You can make some simple lifestyle choices to avoid the dangers that come with diabetes.

When I make my smoothies, I use Slender Fx chocolate or vanilla mix in them. This is great for weight control and is a great and healthier substitute for normal protein powder.

I really want to emphasize how important this next item is. No one has ever developed a healthy supplement that helps prevent and reduce diabetes. Sweet Eze was designed to regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

Sweet Eze has vanadium, chromium, and supportive herbs to truly be able to help you with your blood sugar levels. By making some smart choices with your diet, including activity in your life, and using healthy supplements, you can avoid diabetes and other life changing diseases.

If you have been following the blog, you know that I really like to promote cooking and preparing your food to burn fat and keep you metabolism at an optimum level. You can check out metabolic cooking clicking here

You can start an exercise program at your level and exercise smarter in the least amount of time. Check out the 7 minute workout and click here

Make sure you sign up as a distributor (for as little as $10) or as a preferred customer for free to get a 30% discount to get Slender FX  and Sweet Eze

Here's to your health and fitness,

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

It's Diabetes Awareness Month!

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