Thursday, November 15, 2012

Weight Loss Advice for the Couch Potato.

Couch Potato.

We've all heard the term. You sit on your couch, watch tv, eat.
The thing is, you not only just sit there like a lump, like a potato,
you start to look like one too!

You may go to work and sit doing a desk job all day long. Then what?
You are probably mentally tired and you come home to rest from your
long day.

What do you do? You sit down and veg out. You don't move and when you
don't move, you start to lose your muscle and you don't feed your body.

My physical therapist friends have a saying. Motion is lotion.

What can you do?

Take a walk. Play a game with your kids, basketball,
soccer, anything active. Take your dog for a walk. Garden. Shovel some
snow. Take a walk around the mall.

It doesn't matter what you do, it's what you don't. Don't sit around
all of the time. Take action. Just do something simple. Your body will
thank you.

Start a simple exercise program and work up to a more rigorous routine
as you are ready.

The best program I know for this is 7 Minute Muscle. I use the warmup
routine for 3 minutes, focus on one body part 5 days a week for 7 minutes,
then I do 9 minutes of cardio.

If you are counting, that's 19 minutes. In the time it takes me to get dressed
into exercise clothes and back out, I am only spending 30 minutes a day on

Go check out 7 minute muscle by clicking here

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication


  1. Really informative post thanks for this weight loss advice.

    90 Day Challenge

  2. Of course this does not mean that you should give yourself a reward with each meal, only occasionally when you reach a goal. Remember that your simple steps to weight loss program is not intended as punishment. Instead, you should look at it as a lifestyle change.
