Friday, September 23, 2011

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief: New Study Shows Condroitin May Help

A new study by the University Hospitals of Geneva and the University of Geneva School of Medicine published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, shows that Chondrotin supplements may help your pain and stiffness for your osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. 1 in 8 adults in the U.S. are affected by it. It reduces quality of life and is a major cause of work disability. The major risk factors are body mass index (BMI) and age. All forms of arthritis and related conditions cost Americans nearly $128 billion each year in terms of lost productivity and wages, in medical care, and other expenses.

The study had 162 participants with hand osteoarthritis. They had a chondroitin sulfate supplement or a placebo every day for 6 months. The group that received the supplement reported at the end of the 6 months that there was a significant decrease in hand pain and in morning stiffness.

If you know my story, condroitin sulfate was really significant in changing my back and my way of life. I still use it daily as a single supplement and it is included in other supplements I take.

I know by personal experience that condroitin sulfate can be one of the essential treatments for osteoarthritis.

If you'd like to know more about how condroitin sulfate can change your life, feel free to contact me at

You can also check out a variety of condroitin products online at:

or if you would like a 30% discount on those products, you can also contact me at


Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, et al. Estimates of the prevelance of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States. Part II. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(1):26-35.

Steve Wallach, Youngevity International
Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Is Your Child Getting Enough Vitamin D?

A new study says that your child is not getting enough Vitamin D, especially kids living in the Northern United States.

Our bodies manufacture Vitamin D from exposure to the sunlight. We start to synthesize the vitamin after about 15 minutes of good exposure to the sun.

Because of fears of skin cancer, lack of time outside, and increased use of sunblock, kids just aren't getting hardly any time in the sun.

Vitamin D is important in the growth of cells, immune function, muscle movement, and for growing healthy bones.

Foods with good sources of Vitamin D are tuna, salmon, orange juice, milk, yogurt, and eggs.

Kid's Toddy is a supplement designed just for growing children. With a great combination of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and amino acids and minerals, it also includes 200 IU of Vitamin D.

(Source: Steve Wallach, Yougevity International)

You can get Kid's Toddy here:

If you would like a 30% discount, just e-mail me at

Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Do You Know How the FDA gets 1/3 of its Money?

There is a big controversy in the drug industry. The authorities who review drugs for the FDA are often advisors for the drug companies.

The FDA receives 1/3 of its funding from the manufacturers of medical devices and the makers of drugs.

Because the FDA is searching for an expert without a conflict to review a drug or device on their panels, there are often delays while they look for someone.

It has become so difficult to find a doctor not associated with a company that the FDA may relax their standards. An indirect tie with a company may be allowed.

If you would like to look after your health without worrying about all of the dangerous side effects of drugs, I'd be glad to help you.

Just contact me at

If you would like to get started helping your body with the 90 essential nutrients it needs,

and get the YGY Healthy Start Pack.

Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

What is a Polyphenol and How Can it Help Me Live Longer?

I love talking about ways to lower cholesterol that you normally wouldn't think of. I think we have a problem with the way we look at it.

Like Chicken Little crying, "The Sky is Falling," today we hear."Lower Your Cholesterol!" Instead of being the good little sheep that we are and say,"Okay," we need to be asking, "Which cholesterol?"

I know you've heard of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. HDLs and LDLs. LDLs or low-density lipoproteins, our bad cholesterol can be lowered by improving our HDLs, the good cholesterol.

Now on to polyphenols! They have strong antioxidant properties. They can prevent cellullar damage. What's even better than that?

Chocolate has polyphenols called flavonoids which have been proven to lower blood pressure and balance your blood sugar level.

Candy can be healthy for me? Well, not any candy. Don't sugar yourself up on cheap chocolate candy bars. Dark chocolate contains the cocoa with all of those great polyphenols.

So what's a healthy way to get those polyphenols and chocolate?

Triple Treat Probiotic Chocolate - This is the Guilt-Free Chocolate designed by researchers today to taste good and be healthy.

Imagine a chocolate that is made up of dark chocolate, wild blueberries, and probiotics.

It can not only lift your mood, but help your body's stress levels, thinking skills, and optimize your immune system.This chocolate is also Kosher-certified.

(Source: Steve Wallach, Youngevity International)

If you'd like a 30% discount, just contact me at

This is where I put in my required FDA statement: FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.