Saturday, December 10, 2011

What Can Antioxidants Do for Your CardioVascular System?

A new study tells us that a diet rich in fruits, vegies, and grains may lead to a lower risk of cardiovascular issues.

These foods are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help you with dealing with free radicals. These free radical molecules try to increase oxidative stress which takes a key role in cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants neutralize those free radicals.

When you are exposed to smog, tobacco, radiation, and pollutants -and when your body does things like burning sugar, these unstable free radicals cause cellular damage.

This new study indicated that women who had a higher intake of antioxidant-rich foods may be reducing their risk of stroke. Antioxidant stress and inflammation can be reduced.

(Source: Steve Wallach, Yougevity International)
Did you listen to your mother? Eat your fruits and vegies!

Raising antioxidant levels also is believed by some to help fight diseases such as cancer.
Our supplements we offer list an ORAC score which gives you a number for antioxdant properties of the suppplement.

Did you even know that there are over 100 fruits and vegies?

You can 115 of them everyday and raise your ORAC score tremendously by using this:

Also in the study, the healthy women had about 5% of their diet in chocolate. Yes, chocolate is a source of antioxidants.

To get a great dark chocolate which is loaded with antioxidants, go here:
If you would like to know how to get 30% OFF retail on these products, just shoot me an e-mail at

Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Research Continues to Show Omega-3 Fatty Acids Are Important for Your Health

In the past, taking supplements was seen as a waste of money. Now we see the importantce of taking supplements such as Vitamin C, D, Selenium, and Omega-3s.

Most people call Omega-3s fish oil because the main source comes from fatty fish found in cold waters like salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, and halibut.

Studies show that taking a fish oil supplement is now as common as taking a multivitamin.

A Western diet of processed foods, fast foods, and too much overcooked red meat produces high inflammation in the body which can lead to cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.

A diet rich in dark green vegetables, fish, and nuts is anti-inflammatory. These foods are rich in omega-3s.

So how can an omega-3 supplement help you?

Recent studies show that it can slow the growth of prostate cancer cells and significantly and substantially ease the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Did you know that Youngevity has been the leader in the supplement industry to petition the FDA to establish health claims on the benefits of omega-3s or fish oil?

Research is proving those claims even more everyday.

(Source: Steve Wallach, CEO, AL International)

You can get your omega-3s and more to improve your health at

and if you want to Save 30% OFF Retail and Get FREE Shipping, just
send me and e-mail at  and I'll help you
get it.

Here's where I put my required FDA statement: *These statemetns have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.