Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Specials on Facebook!

I just put up a couple of interesting Amazon deals on a new Health and Wellness Facebook page!

One is a Fitness Ball. When I had to have arthroscopic surgery on my knee, I needed a way to get blood flow to it without too much impact. The fitness ball was perfect resistance without hurting knee! It's great for a workout, too.

Also, I put up a special on Coconut Oil. I have talked about the importance of having good cholesterol for the brain and how it plays a role in helping even people with dementia. Pure coconut oil, not the kind that is processed like cooking oils (just go take a look and you'll see what I mean), can boost good cholesterol just like eggs will.

Check out the Fitness Ball here:

and the Coconut Oil here:

Here's to You, Living Younger and Longer,


Better Life Magic
21 Ways to Live Longer

These statements are not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult your physician before you begin an exercise program or a change in diet.