Monday, August 29, 2011

My Munchies Refrigerator List

I wrote that I am putting a list on my frig of things that I can eat when I get hungry which are healthy to eat. Have you ever done the refirigerator stare? That's when you're hungry, you don't know what you want to eat, and you open the frig and stare at what's in there, wondering what you're going to eat.

That's why I came up with the list because you usually will make a bad choice just staring and not knowing what you want.

So, here's what's in or around my frig right now on my list:

Canteloupe and Honeydew melon cut up in a bowl (easy to snack on).
Baby carrots.
Greek yogurt.
I found some mixed nuts that had the ones above in it. Can't find it now, but I can mix these if I want.

Ok, so that's it for now, but you get the picture. You're hungry. You have food, but get the munchies and don't know what to have. Look at your list and you'll find you have a lot of healthy alternatives.

No healthy alternatives? Go shopping. Strawberries. Natural peanut butter and celery. Avocados. Dark chocolate. There are a lot of healthy foods that are great to eat.

To Your Health,


7 Ways To Deal With Stress

We're all stressed. What are we stressed about? A survey said that we are stressed about the following:

Money. Work. The Economy. Family responsibilites. Relationships.

Are you letting stress create unhealthy behaviors like skipping a meal, eating unhealthy foods and/or overeating?

Are you lacking energy, fatigued, or irritable? All of these are signs of stress.

Stress affects our growth, reproduction, digestion, and immune response. Stressed too long, it affects our heart, weight, memory and thinking skills, and our sleep.

Here are the 7 Ways to Reduce Stress and 2 Important Helps:

Get regular exercise - take a walk, don't skip exercise because you can't "workout."

Eat a healthy diet. We just stopped by the produce stands on the highway to get fresh peaches, zucchini, and peas. I am starting a new habit of putting a list of good foods I can snack on on the fridge: baby carrots, apples, nuts, greek yogurt, etc.

Get proper rest - you can actually lose weight by helping your body get adequate sleep and rest.

Practice relaxation - yoga, meditation, mine is Spring Forest Chi Gong (ha - you can ask me about it).

Have a sense of humor - my wife always has a way to make me laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.

Nourish your relationships. Healthy relationships also translate into a healthy body.

The 2 additional helps for your body:

D-Stress from Supralife - Replenish your body with B complex vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and some extra great nutrients.

I'm excited to learn about some benefits from R-Garden:

EpiCor - This has a combo of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. It has been shown to support immune health. It's a great way to maintain health.

Tryptophan Formula - Many of us have heard of L-tryptophan. It converts to the neuro-transmitter serotonin, which is a precusor to the sleep hormone melatonin. A great natural way for healthy sleep.

(Source: Steve Wallach. Youngevity International)

To Learn more about these just go to

If you would like to know how to get a 30% discount on these just contact me at

OR if you just want to ask me a health question, ask me at

Here's where I put in the required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tropical Storm Irene

I wanted to post some helpful links related to Tropical Storm Irene.

For those of us not affected by the Storm, it is important to be prepared for any disaster, natural or economic.
The hurricane center has a good list of items for preparedness:

This link from the American Red Cross has several links about preparedness

Here's the Red Cross' Disaster Supplies Kit list:

You can help in a variety of ways. I just want to remind people to go to the American Red Cross and not a scam website where you can truly help.

The American Red Cross website tells you exactly how you can help and the easiest way is to
donate is to  Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 or call 1-800 RED CROSS.

It is also a good idea to be prepared on the go wherever you are at with a "To Go" bag for your car/self labeled with your id with items from the supply kit above so you can go at a moment's notice. Many of these disasters have hit during the night when people were asleep and unprepared.

I personally believe in keeping a stock of supplements which can provide me with great health in an emergency.

Here is my list of health supplement supplies:

m95 disposable facemasks

A 6 mos supply water person - I now get 360 water.
6 - 1 ys supply  Meal Replacement Shakes

Ultimate Classic
EFA Plus
Glutathion - Projoba Hepol is a good choice for this.
Ocean's Gold- After the Japanaese nuclear disaster, many were looking for products with high iodide. This is the healthy choice.
zRadical is another great choice like Ocean's Gold
Triple Treat Chocolate - chocolate for emergencies? Not just chocolate, Triple Treat Chocolate blends antioxidant-rich cocoa and wild-craft blueberries with probiotics, live bacteria that improve your intestinal balance of good versus bad microorganisms, boosting overall health and helping fight off disease. Store in a cool place.
Cell Shield RTQ - (Resveratrol, Turmeric, and Quercetin) gives you potent protection against cell-damaging free radicals
Mineral Caps
Osteo FX Plus
Beyond Tang Tangerine

Pollen burst- I take this for a healthy energy pick up rather than those horrible energy drinks.

You can find out more about these on my website:

If you want to get these products at a 30% discount or

If you have any questions, contact me at

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's 92 Degrees. Are You Cooling Off Properly? How to Avoid Dehydration.

It's summertime and most of the nation is really hot. Right now at 6:30 PM in Northern Utah it is 92 Degrees. I have to be careful, myself, because I get dehydrated easily. Dehydration is when you lose more water than when you take in .

When you sweat, you lose fluid and not just water. You lose those precious minerals that you have in your body. That's one reason why couch potatoes live 13 years longer than athletes. Athletes sweat more in 5 years than a normal person would in one.

Athletes don't replace those minerals and are at more risk for nutritional deficiency diseases. At the extreme, when you become dehydrated you may experience fever, diarrhea, and vomiting.

More commonly, when you start feeling dehydrated you get light headed or dizzy (that's me), sleepy, thirsty, and may have dry mouth.

Now let me share with you my favorite way to stay hydrated.

Water is great You should be drinking plenty of it daily. Just water will not replace those minerals you sweat out that I mentioned earlier. If you're going to drink bottled water, get some that is really pure like 360 Water.

We're all familiar with sports drinks, but most of them have tons of sugar and aren't healthy at all for you. Here's my favorite. It's called Rebound FX. You'll get the minerals you need which we talked about, a natural balance of antioxidants, and you can pick from four great flavors. Unlike some popular high sodium sports drinks that may have a couple of nutrients, Rebound FX has 100!
(Source: Steve Wallach and Yougevity International).

You can get 360 Water and Rebound fx at

If you want to get a 30% discount on these great products, just contact me at

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What Can Probiotics Do for You - And What Are Prebiotics?

I had heard of probiotics for years. Probiotics are naturally found in your body especially in your digestiive system. They're basically the good bacteria found in the gut. Why is this so important?

We need a healthy immune system and to be able to absorb nutrients properly. About 70% of our immune cells are made up in the lining or our intestinal tract.

Now prebiotics initiate the growth of probiotics.

When I think of probiotics, yogurt is the first thing that comes to mind. Thank you Michael Weston for promoting yogurt (Burn Notice fans know what I mean)!

Probiotic supplements have also been popular to help with diarrhea, gas, and bloating. We are now finding out that probiotics can help with women's health, skin care, and oral health, as well as your immune system.

I'm going to mention two great ways you can introduce prebiotics and probiotics into your system. These will help you with a healthy digestive system and they can also benefit you with weight loss.

The first is Ultimate Flora FX. This specially designed probiotic will help with your digestiive health and it contains a prebiotic that will nourish that beneficial bacteria in your small intenstine.

The other one you can't resist. Imagine a chocolate that helps you lose weight. Triple Treat Probiotic Chocolate is what we call "The Guilt-Free Chocolate!" All Natural, Gluten- free, Dairy-free, Glycemic-friendly, and contains No Preservatives.
(Source: Steve Wallach and Youngevity International)

Here's where I put in the required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.


You can improve your health with these by going right to
OR if you want to save 30% OFF retail price, just let me know at
Do you just have a health question and want to know if mineral and vitamin supplementation can help? You can also ask me that at

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Vitamin D and COPD?

We've heard about the benefits of Vitamin D with health and depression, but now there may be benefits for COPD sufferers.

We're now learning that Vitamin D can help improve the strength of the respiratory system and has helped people be able to exercise longer.

Studies have shown that people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder have low levels of Vitamin D. Whether those with COPD have low Vitamin D aren't spending enough time outside or there are genetic reasons, increasing Vitamin D may help.

I have a couple of great ways to get my Vitamin D. Every day as part of getting my 90 essential nutrients, I take Osteo FX Plus as part of my YGY Healthy Start pack.

I also like to take a product by Projoba called Pollen Burst. It is a great anti-aging supplement, gives you some great energy for the day, and has Vitamin D!

You can check out these great health items at or if you want to get 30% Off the listed price, just contact me at

If you have a health question, let me know. I'll be glad to help you improve your health with vtiamin and and mineral supplementation - remember, it's without the side effects of prescription drugs!