Monday, August 29, 2011

7 Ways To Deal With Stress

We're all stressed. What are we stressed about? A survey said that we are stressed about the following:

Money. Work. The Economy. Family responsibilites. Relationships.

Are you letting stress create unhealthy behaviors like skipping a meal, eating unhealthy foods and/or overeating?

Are you lacking energy, fatigued, or irritable? All of these are signs of stress.

Stress affects our growth, reproduction, digestion, and immune response. Stressed too long, it affects our heart, weight, memory and thinking skills, and our sleep.

Here are the 7 Ways to Reduce Stress and 2 Important Helps:

Get regular exercise - take a walk, don't skip exercise because you can't "workout."

Eat a healthy diet. We just stopped by the produce stands on the highway to get fresh peaches, zucchini, and peas. I am starting a new habit of putting a list of good foods I can snack on on the fridge: baby carrots, apples, nuts, greek yogurt, etc.

Get proper rest - you can actually lose weight by helping your body get adequate sleep and rest.

Practice relaxation - yoga, meditation, mine is Spring Forest Chi Gong (ha - you can ask me about it).

Have a sense of humor - my wife always has a way to make me laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.

Nourish your relationships. Healthy relationships also translate into a healthy body.

The 2 additional helps for your body:

D-Stress from Supralife - Replenish your body with B complex vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and some extra great nutrients.

I'm excited to learn about some benefits from R-Garden:

EpiCor - This has a combo of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. It has been shown to support immune health. It's a great way to maintain health.

Tryptophan Formula - Many of us have heard of L-tryptophan. It converts to the neuro-transmitter serotonin, which is a precusor to the sleep hormone melatonin. A great natural way for healthy sleep.

(Source: Steve Wallach. Youngevity International)

To Learn more about these just go to

If you would like to know how to get a 30% discount on these just contact me at

OR if you just want to ask me a health question, ask me at

Here's where I put in the required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

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