Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Weight Loss Shakes - Do It The Healthy Way!

Everyone wants an easy fix to weight loss. Weight loss shakes has been one of them. Many weight loss shakes are in a can so you can just grab them and go. That's a problem.

I know you want to lose weight but you are not putting nutrition into your body with those cheap weight loss shakes. Instead, you should make a delicious weight loss shake that is healthy for you.

You don't want to be taking in products that have artificial flavorings and other ingredients that are hazardous to your health. You do want to put into your body the right amount of fats, carbs, and proteins to help your metabolism burn your fat.

If you have looked at the blog, you know I am a huge fan of metabolic cooking. In Dave and Karine's Metabolic Cooking program, they have a specific cookbook called Metabolicious Smoothies. This has become my favorite part of the program.

I have a few recipes for my favorite smoothies or weight loss shakes here on the blog. In a nutshell, here is what I do. I put in some ice chips, almond milk, protein powder or Slender FX, Greek yogurt, stevia or Slimtevia, and some frozen fruit.

There may be a ingredient or two I may add depending on what I am making, but it is a great recipe for a delicious, weight loss shake. You will really enjoy it. While you are here, check out the recipes I've shared for Chocolate Banana and Blueberry Shakes.

Brian Sater, Owner
Better Life Communication

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