Saturday, December 15, 2012

Reduce the Chance of Tumors

New Benefits of Resveratrol Have Been Discovered for Tumors

The words "French Paradox" came to light to describe how the French had such a high-fat diet, but they had low incidence of heart disease. In 1992,  research began focusing on resveratrol, which is a compound found in the skin of grapes, since the French consume so much red wine. 
Research has found since then  that resveratrol may include many health benefits including the potential to fight diabetes, have anti-inflammatory properties, benefit the cardiovascular and neurological systems.
Now researchers may have discovered the most important benefit of resveratrol and that is reducing the chances of getting tumors in the bowel by 50%!
At the resveratrol 2012 Conference in Leicester, England, researches suggested that a daily dose of resveratrol, equivalent to two glasses of red wine, could reduce the chances of bowel tumors by 50%.
They are conducting clinical trials to determine the best dose of resveratrol and the various health benefits associated with it. 
Resveratrol is very significant in helping the body to fight against diseases which degenerate the body as we age. 
Resveratrol can be found in Cell Shield RTQ™ (Item #21203). Cell Shield RTQ™ delivers a highly bioavailable, proprietary blend of three powerful antioxidants Resveratrol: 200mg, Turmeric: 300mg, and Quercetin: 400mg for potent protection against cell-damaging free radicals.*
(Source: Steve Wallach, AL International)

Brian Sater
Better Life Communication

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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