I just put up a couple of interesting Amazon deals on a new Health and Wellness Facebook page!
One is a Fitness Ball. When I had to have arthroscopic surgery on my knee, I needed a way to get blood flow to it without too much impact. The fitness ball was perfect resistance without hurting knee! It's great for a workout, too.
Also, I put up a special on Coconut Oil. I have talked about the importance of having good cholesterol for the brain and how it plays a role in helping even people with dementia. Pure coconut oil, not the kind that is processed like cooking oils (just go take a look and you'll see what I mean), can boost good cholesterol just like eggs will.
Check out the Fitness Ball here: http://tinyurl.com/76a3tq5
and the Coconut Oil here: http://tinyurl.com/859nwqf
Here's to You, Living Younger and Longer,
Better Life Magic http://www.betterlifemagic.com/
21 Ways to Live Longer http://www.21waystolivelonger.com/
These statements are not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult your physician before you begin an exercise program or a change in diet.
One is a Fitness Ball. When I had to have arthroscopic surgery on my knee, I needed a way to get blood flow to it without too much impact. The fitness ball was perfect resistance without hurting knee! It's great for a workout, too.
Also, I put up a special on Coconut Oil. I have talked about the importance of having good cholesterol for the brain and how it plays a role in helping even people with dementia. Pure coconut oil, not the kind that is processed like cooking oils (just go take a look and you'll see what I mean), can boost good cholesterol just like eggs will.
Check out the Fitness Ball here: http://tinyurl.com/76a3tq5
and the Coconut Oil here: http://tinyurl.com/859nwqf
Here's to You, Living Younger and Longer,
Better Life Magic http://www.betterlifemagic.com/
21 Ways to Live Longer http://www.21waystolivelonger.com/
These statements are not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult your physician before you begin an exercise program or a change in diet.