Friday, January 7, 2011

Healthy Weight Loss is Not About That New Diet!

Hi Everybody!

With the New Year here everyone is talking about weight loss as their New Year's resolution. I just did a Google search and saw all kinds of fad diets.

Hmm.. why do you think they call them "fad diets?" Because they come and go just like that weight you were trying to lose and put back on.

My first piece of advice with weight loss as you have seen in the blog is to start with nutrition. We usually are craving foods that are bad for us and we put on weight because of a lack in our nutrition.

Once we start getting the right supplementation, our bodies don't crave all of that garbage  - and you'll actually feel like puttting healthy foods into your body.

I was just at a potluck and someone was trying to help me dish up some salad. There was a ton of salad, I knew that it wouldn't be touched much, so I took a big helping. I think she was surprised to see me load up on the salad and take a small helping of the main dish. Just the opposite of everyone else.

It's no secret on the blog now that I supplement with Youngevity products. In fact I really owe them for getting my back into shape again. I didn't know you could do that with supplements.

Anyway, once I started taking Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the EFA plus products, my cravings went down and I started taking a real interest in healthy food. I know you will too. There is also a really cool product to help with weight loss that they have called SlenderFX.

It is not a typical meal replacement shake. It doesn't have all of those sugars that many others do and claim to be a weight loss shake. This is actually good for you and it tastes good. There is a complete SlenderFx system for losing weight which promotes healthy weight loss.

Here's a picture of SlenderFX with some quick, delicious recipes:

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It's time you started the New Year with Healthy Weight Loss, not just another fad diet. I'll be glad to keep in contact with you and support you in your goals.

Here's to YOU, Living Younger, Longer,

Bri Sater

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