Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Calcium and Bone Health. How to Increase Bone Density and Build Bone.

44 Million Americans, more than half of those 50 years of age and older, have issues with bone health. Who needs to be the most concerned? Postmenopausal women 50 years of age and older.

Why are these women most prone? Because they are prescribed prescription drugs more than others in the population. These prescriptions are not only expensive, but they also can cause problematic effects for joint and bone health.

Long-term use of prescription drugs for bone health has been shown to increase the risk of hip fractures and jaw fractures. This is exactly what these drugs are supposed to prevent!

In recent studies, adults who increased vitamin D and calcium for bone health were shown to reduce the risk for hip fracture and increase their bone mineral density.

Those who benefitted the most supplemented and changed their lifestyle by making sure they had enough protein, magnesium, potassium, and they included weight bearing exercise for bones.

I personally take a couple of ounces of Osteo-fx PLUS to increase bone density which is designed to support healthy bones and joints. Just click on the words below the bottle here to get it.

Osteo-fx PLUS
If you would like to save 30% on quality supplements that can help improve your health, just contact me at Feel free to ask me a question about how to improve your health problem.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fibromayalgia Natural Treatment. Is There Help?

Today I'm looking at a sad picture. I'm online with a major news station's website here in Utah and there is a photo of a woman lying in bed because she is suffering from fibromyalgia. The saddest thing to me is that she can be helped and doesn't know it.

The medical community says the fibromyalgia diagnois includes tenderness in localized areas and widespread musculoskeletal pain. They say that it is the amplification of pain signaled by the brain.

The expert physician stated that fibromyalgia research shows that cognitive behavioral therapy and exericse provide some response for the patient with fibromyalgia.

If the expert can only provide you with only somewhat of a response, I am looking for fibromyalgia pain relief somewhere else.

We have known how to treat fibromyalgia in the animal industry since the 1950's. It is known there under one name as stiff lamb disease.

Fibromyalgia pain relief is achieved by understanding that this is a nutritional deficiency disease of the muscles. As Americans, we do not get the nutrients we need in our diets due to lack of nutrients in the soil and processed foods.

So what are the treatments for fibromyalgia that work?

We need to change our diet and supplement with the 90 essential nutrients our bodies need. Add glucosamine sulfate and some other ingredients, and truly treating fibromyalgia is achieved.

The medical community is allowed to use the word cure when they deem it appropriate. However, when any other method that really benefits someone is used, it is not allowed. This is a sad state we live in but there is help for our diseases today, especially fibromyalgia.

Here is what has been suggested as nutritional treatments for fibromyalgia. Let's start with your diet and then the exact supplements you will need.

Don't forget your diet. You have to eliminate all fried foods, wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Yes that includes oatmeal. Oils in cooking or salad oils. Not even olive oil.

Eliminate well done meat. Rare or medium rare is alright because you haven't cooked all of the nutrients of it. Avoid  deli meat, any nitrates added to meat – tell your butcher,"No Nitrates."
Soda. Drinking soda with a meal especially neutralizes stomach acid and does not allow your stomach to process the nutrients you need. Skin of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.

You can contact me for a complete list of the good foods you can eat and the bad foods to avoid.

Now you want to increase your antioxidants and your ORAC score. The Beyond Tangy Tangerine does wonders for that and is a fantastic health supplement. You want to use an ounce per 100 lbs of body weight. 2 scoops in the morning and at night would do the trick for most of us. That's about 2 canisters.

Osteo FX Plus will provide you with great calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D3 and other important supplements for your body. A couple of ounces in the morning and night. 2 bottles.

Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3s, 6s, and 9s round out the 90 essential nutrients. You'll need 180 of the EFA Plus each month.That's 6 each day.

The most important thing to add are the Gluco-Gels. They will support maintenance and repair of joint, tissues, and connective tissues. Take 15 of these daily, 3 with each meal to make it easy to remember and stretch it out throught the day.

As far as exercise for fibromyalgia? You shouldn't exercise until you feel better. When you sweat, you don't just sweat water. You sweat out the minerals in your body. You don't want to be sweating out the minerals you are needing for your body to recover.

When you are feeling better, by all means do some low impact exercise. Just make sure that in addition to your nutrition plan, you replace those minerals you sweat out. I use Rebound FX after exercise, which is endorsed by a All-Star basketball player.

6 million Americans don't need to suffer with fibromyalgia. Treating fibromyalgia is happening daily for sufferers. You can go back to a normal life once you find a fibromyalgia natural treatment which is effective like this one.

Everyone is different and you may have other health issues besides the fibromyalgai. Make sure you contact me with any other health issues so I can steer you in the right direction on all of your health issues. I can also help you save 30% on these products by contacting me at

I am including the required disclaimer because I am not selling approved FDA drugs that may harm you.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

You can find these products at

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Lower Major Risk Factor for Heart Disease

Do you know when the first paper linking omega-3 and heart disease risk was published? Over 40 years ago! Yet most people don't know about the benefits of omega-3s nor are they getting this supplement.

In a recent meta analysis published in the journal Nutrition, supplementation with omega-3s was associated with lower blood levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that at elevated levels, is believed to be a major risk factor in heart disease.

A meta analysis combines data from several smaller studies to give a larger sample size. You achieve a much stronger conclusion than in a single study analysis, so you can see the significance of this study.

They looked at 720 people from 11 placebo-controlled trials to determine the benefit of omega-3 intake. The participants took omega-3s at doses from 0.2 to 6 grams a day.

I personally take not only omega-3's but also omega 6's and 9's. I combine the fish oil with flaxseed oil and borage oil. These essential fatty acids round out my nutritional program of 90 essential nutritients helping me prevent hundreds of nutritional deficiency diseases.

And I can get all of this in one product. EFA Plus:

I can help you save 30% on this product. Just email me at

Here's where I put the obligatory FDA required notice, but know that Youngevity has led the way in petitioning the FDA to establish health claims regarding the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Dr. Wallach is known for winning his petition for Selenium health claims with the FDA and Youngevity continues leading with this course for our health.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.