Do you know when the first paper linking omega-3 and heart disease risk was published? Over 40 years ago! Yet most people don't know about the benefits of omega-3s nor are they getting this supplement.
In a recent meta analysis published in the journal Nutrition, supplementation with omega-3s was associated with lower blood levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that at elevated levels, is believed to be a major risk factor in heart disease.
A meta analysis combines data from several smaller studies to give a larger sample size. You achieve a much stronger conclusion than in a single study analysis, so you can see the significance of this study.
They looked at 720 people from 11 placebo-controlled trials to determine the benefit of omega-3 intake. The participants took omega-3s at doses from 0.2 to 6 grams a day.
I personally take not only omega-3's but also omega 6's and 9's. I combine the fish oil with flaxseed oil and borage oil. These essential fatty acids round out my nutritional program of 90 essential nutritients helping me prevent hundreds of nutritional deficiency diseases.
And I can get all of this in one product. EFA Plus:
I can help you save 30% on this product. Just email me at
Here's where I put the obligatory FDA required notice, but know that Youngevity has led the way in petitioning the FDA to establish health claims regarding the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Dr. Wallach is known for winning his petition for Selenium health claims with the FDA and Youngevity continues leading with this course for our health.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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