Friday, June 10, 2011

Will You Suffer from An Age-Related Disease?

"Getting old sucks," my friend said. "I guess so," I replied," but I can help you with that."

Many people out there, especially the Baby Boomers coming up, don't realize that they do not have to suffer from age-related diseases.

The latest study I read discussed the importance of multi-vitamins which included Selenium and the effect it had on age-related diseases such as cancer, loss of immune function, heart disease, and loss of brain function.

This is what the MD, Dr. Gerald Wasserman, had to say about this study,"“This paper should settle any debate about the importance of taking a good, complete, multivitamin every day….As this report shows, taking a multivitamin that contains selenium is a good way to prevent deficiencies that, over time, can cause harm in ways that we are just beginning to understand."

Of course we've been teaching the importance of the 90 essential nutrients required to avoid hundreds of nutritional diseases. We've known about this in animals for years and yet we treat ourselves less than animals and don't apply our knowledge to ourselves.

I'll be glad to help you make sure you get the 90 essential nutrients and answer any questions you have about your health plus how you can improve any condition you have through nutritional supplementation. Don't suffer needlessly. Contact me at

Check out the new Beta version of our website at

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

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