Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Next Strain on Medicare: 80 Million Baby Boomers.

How To Keep the Health System from Collapsing Through A Health And Wellness Program.

We already know that Social Security and Medicare are on thin ice. In fact, by 2009 calculations, you would have had to multiply your taxes by 1.81, or 81% to pay for all of those unfunded Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Those figures included taxpayers on the roles at that time. That did not figure in the fact that 80 Million Baby Boomers were set to retire or that we currently have fewer people paying into the system than those receiving the benefits. Nor does it account for the recession with so fewer people working and paying taxes. You get the picture. So, what's the answer?

What our American medical industry does not understand is that most of what we go through is preventable. There are a variety of diseases which can be prevented or treated nutritionally. For optimal health our bodies require 90 essential nutrients. Without these essential nutrients our bodies become weakened and unable to rebuild to protect ourselves. This leaves us vulnerable to over 900 nutritional deficiency diseases.

These 90 essential nutrients include 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids. Among the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 are essential. Wouldn't you like to be able to prevent and treat over 900 medical problems without all of the side effects of the medications you currently see and hear about?

There are several third world countries that rank much higher in longevity than the United States. Without HMOs, pharmacies, even electricity, there are people who live 15 to 25 years longer than the average American.

You can not only improve your longevity, but your quality of life. When I first heard of this I thought that I did not want to live longer just to be broken down like my older relatives. I met some people who learned and lived this nutritional concept. They were living proof that an elderly person can be biologically 40 or 50 years old. Half their age. And healthy.

These people in other countries who live longer have an interesting thing in common. Their ORAC levels are above 20,000 points per day. A ORA-what? The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity unit, or ORAC value, is a method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different supplements and foods. It is believed that foods higher on the ORAC scale will more effectively neutralize free radicals. This will slow the oxidative processes and free radical damage that can contribute to age-related degeneration and disease.

So if the ORAC score of healthy, long-living people in other countries is 20,000 points per day, what do Americans get? The average American gets about 1500 ORAC points per day. What a difference! One, we don't cook with woodash which can provide minerals. Two, we don't drink from mineral laden streams. Three, our soils have been depleted of minerals over the years of farming.

We can, however, receive our ORAC points through supplementation. I know of only one company which provides all of these 90 essential nutrients and a variety of supplements and delicious ways to increase your ORAC score to 20,000 units per day. Youngevity, a company started by Dr. Joel Wallach, has been researching health and healing through nutrition for decades. They are on the cutting edge of health and wellness.

So Baby Boomers, take the strain off of the medical system. Enjoy a healthy maturity. Take advantage of the science of nutritional wellness. Avoid the suffering of old age and enjoy your older years - just like when you were younger.
Brian Sater is a professional writer and researches information on a variety of topics including nutritional wellness. You can find out more about nutritional wellness products on his website or contact Mr. Sater at

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