Sunday, September 5, 2010

How Autism Can Be Helped With Wellness Products

I have been a Speech Language Pathologist for 17 years. I spent most of those years working in Early Intervention with chidren 0 to 3 years of age. Children are diagnosed with Autism around 18 months of age. This is because this is the time language starts to explode. It also can indicate when children are not developing language skills and social skills.

I have spent my time teaching parents how to interact with their children to bring about more social interactions and more meaningful language from their kids. I want to give the routine disclaimers here. I am not a doctor and I can't give medical advice. Nothing I say is supported in any way by any professional speech pathology organizations. Now that I've said that because the laws here require me to, I do want to tell you that there are additonal, helpful resources out there.

I have been seeing how health and wellness can provide an incredible change in childrens' behavior and language. I personally have benefitted dramatically from proper nutritional supplementation. Some people who saw my article on 'Why The Autism Diet Doesn't Work - and How to Fix It' have asked me about the supplementation I refer to in the article.

I also have had people ask me if there is one less expensive supplement they can give their child because they can't afford the entire supplement program at the time. The first thing I think about is toxicity. We don't even think about the pollutants we take in through our air, water, and food on a daily basis.

That means our bodies are taking in toxins and storing them somewhere. The main source of that is our poor liver. You can't just go buy one of those cheap cleanses and think you're good to go. Because the next day here come the toxins again.

Now, let's think about our children. They are exposed to all of these daily environmental toxins as well. Except they have small bodies. It can be overwhelming to their little systems. And I have seen this manifest like Autism.

We are using an amazing supplement that has made incredible changes with many children who have Autism. It is called Hepol. It naturally cleanses the body and promotes and maintains healthy liver function. Most families buy this in a 3-pack and it ends up costing them only about $1.40 a day.

You can search Hepol by clicking on the Order Now link at this website

Of course I still recommend a change in diet and a complete supplementation program for improved health and behavior, especially if you are seeing only mild changes with the Hepol. For any questions on this, please let me know. I'm glad to help. Contact Brian Sater,

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