Friday, December 3, 2010

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need This Winter?

A new study finds that we need 4 times the amount of vitamin D than is currently recommended.

The researchers said,"Daily Supplementation with 800 IU of Vitamin D3 during winter achieved optimal concentrations in 80 percent of the participants, indicating that this dose is adequate to optimize Vitamin D in most young women in Maine."

Susan Sullivan at the University of Maine led the study and reached these conclusions viewing that many see the current recommended level of 200 IU of Vitamin D is insufficient.

Adequate levels of Vitamin D during winter months are extremely important for not only physical health, but especially mental health as low vitamin D can contribute to depression during winter months.

You can enjoy taking Vitamin D3 using a supplement likePollen Burst. Less than $3.00 a day! Throw away that fattening mochachino and drink something tasty and good for you here:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Good News - Help for Macular Degeneration

My mom slowly became legally blind due to macular degeneration. I've been concerned about this for awhile, wondering what I can do to prevent this as I get older. A new study reports that a diet which is high in Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids can help with macular degeneration.

The National Eye Institute in Bethesda discovered that the lesions in a mouse model of age related macular degeneration were slowed or even improved by a diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids are important regarding the layer of nerve cells in the retina. There have already been studies reporting that Omega 3 may guard against the onset of age related macular degeneration.

These researchers wrote in the American Journal of Pathology, “The results in these mice are in line with the epidemiological studies of AMD risk reduction by long chain Omega 3 Fatty Acids.”

This was good news for me, knowing that I try to maintain my diet with Omega 3s, but I also supplement with EFAs.  I take a product called EFA Plus. You can find it here:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Asthma Increased by a Vitamin D deficiency?

A new study indicates children with low Vitamin D levels not only may be at risk for asthma but also that they end up in the hospital more often. This study from Costa Rica found that the children in this study who had lower Vitamin D levels "are associated with increased markers of allergy and asthma severity."

This study, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care medicine, said," A log of 10 unity increase in Vitamin D levels was associated with reduced odds of any hospitalization in the previous year, any use of anti-inflammatory medications in the previous year, and increased airway responsiveness." 

For more information on the best diet and healthiest supplement program for your child or yourself, just sign up for our newsletter to the right of this column or I'll be glad to answer your questions at

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Are Expectant Mothers Preventing Type 1 Diabetes?

A new study from Sweden reports that mothers who ate vegetables every day decreased the risk of type 1 diabetes in their children. This is compared to mothers who ate vegies three to five times per week. This second group increased the risk of type 1 diabetes in their children by 70 per cent. 

So what do the vegies have to do with it? Fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants called flavonoids. These flavonoids,"are suggested to be potentially therapeutic agents for type1 diabetes," say researchers. Linkoping University is conducting a population study called All Babies in Southeast Sweden (ABIS). This study was done in collaboration with the University. 

You can learn how to supplement with the healthy drink that contains 115 fruits and vegetables. Contact Brian Sater at for more information. Check out the website that teaches you how to have health assurance vs. health insurance

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Foods that Help You Lose Weight

Okay, I found another cool link today. The information leads to a fat-loss system this guy is selling, but I thought the information was cool to share.I have no affiliation with selling this. I just like the information.  The author is a nutritionist who works with bodybuilders. He tells you about foods and how to use foods to lose weight!

Remember, obesity is a nutritional disease and I'll be glad to answer all of your health questions related to weight loss and proper nutritional supplementation at

Here's 15 Foods that Kill Belly Fat:

Here's to You Living Younger, Longer!

Bri Sater

Remember, Cottage Cheese is Great Protein!

Sometimes I like to share ideas from other bloggers! I love this blog post on ideas for using Cottage Cheese. This blog is great for ideas on weight loss, but remember that the main problem with weight loss is a nutritional deficiency. Make sure you are gettting your 90 essential nutrients!

Go Here for Cottage Cheese recipes on FitterFaster's blog:

I'll be glad to answer any of your health questions here:

Here's to you living Younger, Longer

Bri Sater

Monday, September 13, 2010

Does the Mineral Selenium Lower Cancer Risk?

Over 1.5 Million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. Selenium may lower the risk of cancer according to a new study. Australian and Dutch researchers report that higher blood levels of Selenium may reduce skin cancer by about 60 percent.

“Relatively high serum Selenium levels of between 1.3 and 2.8 micromoles per liter were associated with approximately 60 decrease in subsequent tumor incidence of both BCC and SCC,” they wrote in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

Dr. Joel Wallach BS., D.V.M., N.D. was successful in seeking a Health Claim for General Cancer Reduction with the FDA for Selenium. Selenium is the only mineral at this time that has a FDA Authorized Health Claim for General Cancer.

You can learn more about Dr. Wallach and the benefits of mineral supplements by contacting Brian Sater at

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Autism Pill?

My last blog entry about the supplement we are using which is helping children with Autism, sparked a lot of interest! I do want to say again that we truly are seeing some dramatic changes in children with Autism using the supplement Hepol.

Hepol was designed for health and maintenance of the liver. Since the toxins we take in directly affect our systems related to our liver, Hepol helps clean out our toxic system on a daily basis.

Of course I support a complete nutritional and diet program. Someone asked me if they could only provide one thing to a child with Autism, what would it be?  I immediately said,"Hepol." You can also see my entry in this blog about how to adjust the autism diet.

I recommend taking all 90 essential nutrients for everyone, but especially for kids with Autism. I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have. You can reach me at and search Hepol at

Now here is the standard, required legal disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. This is not medical advice and is not meant to replace advice from your doctor.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

How Autism Can Be Helped With Wellness Products

I have been a Speech Language Pathologist for 17 years. I spent most of those years working in Early Intervention with chidren 0 to 3 years of age. Children are diagnosed with Autism around 18 months of age. This is because this is the time language starts to explode. It also can indicate when children are not developing language skills and social skills.

I have spent my time teaching parents how to interact with their children to bring about more social interactions and more meaningful language from their kids. I want to give the routine disclaimers here. I am not a doctor and I can't give medical advice. Nothing I say is supported in any way by any professional speech pathology organizations. Now that I've said that because the laws here require me to, I do want to tell you that there are additonal, helpful resources out there.

I have been seeing how health and wellness can provide an incredible change in childrens' behavior and language. I personally have benefitted dramatically from proper nutritional supplementation. Some people who saw my article on 'Why The Autism Diet Doesn't Work - and How to Fix It' have asked me about the supplementation I refer to in the article.

I also have had people ask me if there is one less expensive supplement they can give their child because they can't afford the entire supplement program at the time. The first thing I think about is toxicity. We don't even think about the pollutants we take in through our air, water, and food on a daily basis.

That means our bodies are taking in toxins and storing them somewhere. The main source of that is our poor liver. You can't just go buy one of those cheap cleanses and think you're good to go. Because the next day here come the toxins again.

Now, let's think about our children. They are exposed to all of these daily environmental toxins as well. Except they have small bodies. It can be overwhelming to their little systems. And I have seen this manifest like Autism.

We are using an amazing supplement that has made incredible changes with many children who have Autism. It is called Hepol. It naturally cleanses the body and promotes and maintains healthy liver function. Most families buy this in a 3-pack and it ends up costing them only about $1.40 a day.

You can search Hepol by clicking on the Order Now link at this website

Of course I still recommend a change in diet and a complete supplementation program for improved health and behavior, especially if you are seeing only mild changes with the Hepol. For any questions on this, please let me know. I'm glad to help. Contact Brian Sater,

Friday, August 20, 2010

Professional Football Players Need Help Right Now!

I Love football season. So does my wife. Hey, we're excited about preseason football. I'm a Duck, so I was pretty excited about how Dennis Dixon played for the Steelers the other night. But there is something troubling me.

I know stupid football players get suspended for their troubles off the field, but I am seeing more players with health problems. Percy Harvin drops to the ground and shakes, carted off to the hospital with yet another migraine. Darrius Heyward-Bey taking preseason practice and games off due to fatigue.

I am always concerned about any athlete to begin with, because they have shorter lifespans. They sweat out enormous amounts of minerals our bodies require and don't replenish it. Because they aren't receiving the 90 essential nutrients required, they live to be about 10 years less than the rest of us.

These professional football players, and athletes in general, could do several things to improve their current health and longevity. We work with athletes, providing them with the following products:

First we make sure they have the required 90 Essential Nutrients: 60 Minerals, 16 Vitamins, 12 Amino Acids, and 3 Essential Fatty Acids. For these basics, we use Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the EFA Plus products.

Athletes get a lot of wear and tear. In order to help support maintenance and repair of cartilage and bone, we use Osteo FX Plus and Gluco Gel. We've even had amazing results with the elderly and arthritis with this.

Dehydration. You see athletes getting water during workouts, but they aren't sweating out just water. They need to replace all of those minerals and nutrients. Sports drinks are full of sugar and may contain, at the most, two nutrients. We buy Rebound FX in a powder and mix it. There are different flavors, tastes good, no sugar, and 100 nutrients. It's also endorsed by former NBA All Star Theo Ratliff.

Pain. Sports injuries are common, but using the products above have increased healing time. To help with pain management, we use three things. We put Trauma Oil and CM Cream directly on the injuries. We also provide the CM capsules while injuries are healing.

Using this regimen has saved athletes from surgeries, increased healing times, extended athletes' careers, improved performance, and assisted overall health. A preventive/maintenance program pays incredible dividends for both now and in the future.

You can find these products at and have any questions answered by the author, Brian D. Sater at

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Do Women Risk Their Lives for Beauty?

As women mature, dry skin tends to take over. The skin takes on a powdery look. In search of better looking skin and to regain that youthful, milky skin  appearance, women seek methods which are very dangerous.

The most dangerous one is HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy. Hormone Replacement Therapy combines estrogen and progesterone to treat a woman to provide her with that beautiful looking skin.

Why is it dangerous? Studies have shown over several years now that HRT increases the risk of stroke, blood clots, and even breast cancer. That is a serious price to pay for vanity.

A recent study confirms the risk of Hormone Replacement Therapy. Recent information has confirmed that HRT has been linked to a significant increase in fatal cancer. Even with this information warning of the risks and dangers of HRT, 15% of post menopausal women are still being provided with this therapy by their doctors.

There is an answer to this skin problem without risking your health, your life and complications of surgery. You want to avoid toxins and improve your skin and your health.

A variety of non-toxic alternatives are available. Mineral Makeup. Non-chemical enzyme peels, anti-aging veils, skin creams, and non-surgical facelifts are all available along with mineral, trace mineral, and vitamin therapies to improve your looks and your health.

For more information on this, and why people like Suzanne Somers support these non-toxic methods to improve beauty, contact the author, at  for more information. You can find these products at the website

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How To Protect the Prostate? New Study says Vitamin E and Selenium

Biopsy samples from people with cancer exposed to Selenium, Vitamin E, or both, were noted to express different genes. The combined exposure produced results similar to that observed in people with no prostate cancer.

Selenium and Vitamin E may provide protection against prostate cancer with this change of expression of these genes in the prostate linked to tumors.

Dimitria Tsavachidou, lead author, writing in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, said,"To the best of our knowledge, this study was the first detailed systematic pathological interrogation to be completed in preoperative patients with favorable risk prostate cancer.”

The research was provided by scientists from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in

For more information on the benefits of nutritional medicine contact Brian Sater at

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More New Benefits from Vitamin D: Reducing Risk of Parkinsons

I've been a speech-language pathologist for over 15 years. If you have ever seen the decline of someone who suffers from Parkinson's disease, it is difficult. The body becomes weak from muscular weakness and pain. Cognitive declines set in and the person slowly loses their ability to speak as their voice becomes weaker and weaker, losing their vocal loudness.

None of us get enough time in the sun and we tend to over use sunscreens. As a result, we are Vitamin D deficient. A new study now suggests that Vitamin D may reduce that risk of developing Parkinson's disease by up to 67%. The study made a comparison of those with low levels of Vitamin D.

In her editorial, Marian Leslie Evatt, MD, MS, from Emory University in Atlanta mentioned that the study was, “the first promising human data to suggest that inadequate vitamin D status is associated with the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease”.

This study was accomplished by researchers from Helsinki, Finland at the National Institute for Health and Welfare. The first longitudinal study of vitamin D status and the risk of Parkinson’s disease, 3,173 Finnish men and women aged between 50 and 79 were included over 29 years of follow-up. The researchers documented 50 cases of Parkinson’s disease.

Lack of Vitamin D is also related to depression. Our wellness clients have benefitted tremendously from the powerful Vitamin D3 supplement Sip of Sunshine. Sip of Sunshine™ is the first anti-aging wellness and energy drink powered by Vitamin D, Selenium, and the body's most powerful Antioxidant, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). This anti-aging drink naturally helps the body fight defend itself from cellular damage. It also helps you control your appetite while boosting your immune system. You can't beat the all-natural strawberry lemonade flavor either.

You can search Sip of Sunshine here

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How One Employee Improved Workplace Health and Saved His Livelihood

I would like to tell you about a small business that was on the brink of being forced out of business, but was able to stay in business due to a unique approach to workplace health from its employees.

Many US businesses have relocated overseas because of the rising costs of healthcare and of course, the health insurance costs that they then provide to their employees.

With the new healthcare law going into effect, many businesses are rethinking their hiring practices, expansion plans, and staying in the U.S. because of these requirements and rising costs.

On the brink of bankruptcy due to the cost of health insurance, a small factory in the Easter United States was saved by the actions of one employee. This one worker discovered how to treat his health problem through nutritional supplementation.

He also changed his diet, or I should say, his wife did, and he began to lose weight and improve his health. His co-workers saw what was going on with him and asked what he was doing.

If you have ever worked in a small mom and pop factory, you know how close everyone is. The other employees began using this nutritional supplementation approach and their health dramatically improved too.

As a result, these employees went to their health providers less. The dramatic shift from high health care costs caused the health insurance rates for the employer to drop 75%!

The family company was able to stay in businesss. The employer was able to retire when he thought he would face bankruptcy and never be able to retire. He passed on a profitable business.

This model for workplace health could be applied across America. Improving our health through supplementation can dramatically change our lives and treat our diseases instead of masking them with pharmaceuticals. Surgeries are always a risk and only provide a temporary fix for most problems and can be more problematic afterwards.

Don't neglect the mineral and vitamin supplementation required for your body and treat nutritional deficiency diseases. Would you like to pay almost $200,000 for your double knee replacement surgery or live younger, longer?

To find out exactly what these workers did to improve their health and save their jobs, contact
Brian Sater,

Friday, July 2, 2010

How To Adjust the Autism Diet to Make it Work

At the beginning of this year, the journal Pediatrics published a report explaining that the gluten-free or casein-free-gluten-free diet does not have any effect on children with autism. The study also said that children with autism do not have any more trouble with their digestion than other children.

The report also expressed concern about children being on these types of diets and receiving the proper amount of nutrition. Here is where I chime in!  Is a gluten-free diet bad? No. If your child is allergic to milk, is a casein-free diet bad? No. Ah, you here the "but" coming. No, But...

Children must receive proper nutrition. Frankly, none of us receives the proper amount of nutrients in our diets. We must supplement. Now don't let me get ahead of myself here. Here is why the autism diet is failing.

We see a range of behavioral changes in our children, not just autism. Here is why. In our Western, American diets, sugar and carbohydrates combined with fried foods rein the day. I want my sugary cereal and chicken nuggets. I want to drink grape juice or flavored punch with that. Don't forget the processed macaroni and cheeses (carbs, sugar in one).

Our children go from being breast fed or receiving infant formula right onto sugar and carbohydrates. Litte brains can not develop neurostransmitters on sugar, transfats, and carbs. It is no wonder we see such a prevalance of not only autism, but a range of behaviors our children are being drugged for.

Getting gluten out of the diet is only step one. Removing all sugars, even fruits and fruits juices is critical. No more fried foods. Eggs are good brain food. Not fried, but scrambled, soft poached, or soft boiled. Squash, sweet potatoes, vegetables. If no milk allergies, put some milk and/or butter in them. Meats. Not processed meats with nitrates and nitrites. Don't burn out the good nutrients in your meat either.

We all need 90 essential nutrients for our bodies. The 90 essential nutrients include 60 Minerals, 16 Vitamins, 12 Amino Acids, and 3 Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3 & 6 are essential).

Here is where children with autism need to get their supplementation, as well as all of us. We are at risk for over 900 nutritional deficiency disorders. By supplementing with the 90 essential nutrients, we can make a significant difference in our health.

For more information you can visit the website and contact Brian Sater at

Thursday, July 1, 2010

International Osteoporosis Foundation Has New Vitamin D Recommendations

In the Osteoporosis International Journal, the International Osteoporosis Foundation issued a new postion statement calling for higher Vitamin D Levels for older adults. Between 9-- and 1,000 IU of Vitamin D per day was recommended to ensure proper blood levels of this vitamin.

Professor Bess Dawson-Hughes of Tufts University stated,"Global Vitamin D status shows widespread insufficiency and deficiency." The conclusion was that many falls and fractures could be prevented with Vitamin D supplementation.

Many of the Vitamin D deficiency diseases include muscle weakness, fractures, osteopenia, osteoporosis, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular disease. More and more research concludes that supplementation is important for a variety of diseases.

Dr.Joel Wallach, a pioneer in treating diseases with supplementation, explains that we are susceptible to over 900 nutritional deficiency diseases. Our bodies require 90 essential nutrients that we can only receive by supplementation. For more information on vitamin and mineral supplementation for your health, contact the author, Brian Sater, at

Monday, June 28, 2010

Health and Wellness Guide: Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis

Most of us do not get enough sunlight which leads to a deficiency in Vitamin D. A new study from the UK and Canada reports that supplements of Vitamin D at critical time periods may be key to reducing the risk of Multiple Sclerosis.

The lead author Sreeram Ramagopalam, from the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics at the University of Oxford wrote, “This study provides more direct support for the already strong epidemiological evidence implicating sunlight and vitamin D in the determination of MS risk. Given that a high frequency of vitamin D insufficiency in the general population has been observed, our data support the case for supplementation during critical time periods to reduce the prevalence of this devastating disease.”

Lack of Vitamin D also is a high contributor to depression. A powerful way to provide Vitamin D has been invented by a company called Youngevity. It naturally boosts energy, helps with weight loss, and is on the cutting edge of anti-aging technology.

Sip of sunshine™ is the first anti-aging wellness and energy drink powered by Vitamin D, Selenium, and the body's most powerful Antioxidant, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). This anti-aging drink naturally helps the body fight defend itself from cellular damage. Helps you control your appetite while boosting your immune system.

Search Sip of sunshine here

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Eskimos Confirm Omega-3 Fatty Acids Are Essential For Our Health.

I always find it fascinating that more and more of our health discoveries come from studying people living in remote places of the earth with no doctor, health insurance, or pharmacy.

Since the 1930s, we have known that Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for our normal development and our health. As research has exploded in the past few years, we are realizing increasing health benefits. The long-chain Omege-3 fatty acids, or DHA and EPA omega-3, are what we see associated with health claims today.

Researchers in the 1970s conducted a study of a IntuitTribe in Greenland. These people lived on large amounts of fat from their seafood. However, even with this large fat intake, they had no cardiovascular disease due to the high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. What they did have was a reduction in the following: blood pressure, atherosclerosis, triglycerides, and heart rate.

There are numerous health benefits which have been researched and are being researched related to Omega-3 fatty acids. These include reducing the risk of primary and secondary heart attack, reducing the risk of thrombotic and ischemic stroke, and stimulating blood circulation. Think of the person with vericose veins and what the benefit of blood circulation means to their health.

There have been benefits related to cancer as well. Omega-3s have reduced prostate tumor growth, slowed progression, and helped increased survival in cancer patients. There has been evidence that Omega-3s might even be helpful in cases of depression and anxiety.

More recently, a study of a population of Yup'ik Eskimos suggests intakes of Omega-3 essential fatty acids in levels exceeding those typically consumed by the general U.S. population may reduce the risk of chronic disease significantly.

Similar to the 1970s study of the Intuit tribes, the Yup'ik Eskimos high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA were associated with lower levels of triglycerides. They were also associated with higher levels of HDL Choleresterol, which is the good cholesterol.

They were associated as well with decreased levels of markers of C-ReactiveProtein or CRP, which is produced in the liver and relates to inflammation. When our CRP levels are increased, this is a good predictor of not only Type 2 Diabetes but Cardiovascular Disease. In Europe and the U.S., Cardiovascular Disease is responsible for almost 50% of deaths.

I believe it is important to point out that any new regimen of supplementation be discussed with your doctor as certain medication you may be on may counteract with increased dosages of Omega-3s.

In the U.S., there are a variety of Omega-3 supplements. Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have been highlighted here as the complete essential nutrients from which our bodies can benefit. As more and more research unfolds, vitamin and mineral supplementation is becoming an increasingly important science for the prevention and treatment of disease.

You can find out more about nutritional wellness products on Brian Sater's website or contact Mr. Sater at

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Next Strain on Medicare: 80 Million Baby Boomers.

How To Keep the Health System from Collapsing Through A Health And Wellness Program.

We already know that Social Security and Medicare are on thin ice. In fact, by 2009 calculations, you would have had to multiply your taxes by 1.81, or 81% to pay for all of those unfunded Social Security and Medicare benefits.

Those figures included taxpayers on the roles at that time. That did not figure in the fact that 80 Million Baby Boomers were set to retire or that we currently have fewer people paying into the system than those receiving the benefits. Nor does it account for the recession with so fewer people working and paying taxes. You get the picture. So, what's the answer?

What our American medical industry does not understand is that most of what we go through is preventable. There are a variety of diseases which can be prevented or treated nutritionally. For optimal health our bodies require 90 essential nutrients. Without these essential nutrients our bodies become weakened and unable to rebuild to protect ourselves. This leaves us vulnerable to over 900 nutritional deficiency diseases.

These 90 essential nutrients include 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids. Among the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 are essential. Wouldn't you like to be able to prevent and treat over 900 medical problems without all of the side effects of the medications you currently see and hear about?

There are several third world countries that rank much higher in longevity than the United States. Without HMOs, pharmacies, even electricity, there are people who live 15 to 25 years longer than the average American.

You can not only improve your longevity, but your quality of life. When I first heard of this I thought that I did not want to live longer just to be broken down like my older relatives. I met some people who learned and lived this nutritional concept. They were living proof that an elderly person can be biologically 40 or 50 years old. Half their age. And healthy.

These people in other countries who live longer have an interesting thing in common. Their ORAC levels are above 20,000 points per day. A ORA-what? The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity unit, or ORAC value, is a method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different supplements and foods. It is believed that foods higher on the ORAC scale will more effectively neutralize free radicals. This will slow the oxidative processes and free radical damage that can contribute to age-related degeneration and disease.

So if the ORAC score of healthy, long-living people in other countries is 20,000 points per day, what do Americans get? The average American gets about 1500 ORAC points per day. What a difference! One, we don't cook with woodash which can provide minerals. Two, we don't drink from mineral laden streams. Three, our soils have been depleted of minerals over the years of farming.

We can, however, receive our ORAC points through supplementation. I know of only one company which provides all of these 90 essential nutrients and a variety of supplements and delicious ways to increase your ORAC score to 20,000 units per day. Youngevity, a company started by Dr. Joel Wallach, has been researching health and healing through nutrition for decades. They are on the cutting edge of health and wellness.

So Baby Boomers, take the strain off of the medical system. Enjoy a healthy maturity. Take advantage of the science of nutritional wellness. Avoid the suffering of old age and enjoy your older years - just like when you were younger.
Brian Sater is a professional writer and researches information on a variety of topics including nutritional wellness. You can find out more about nutritional wellness products on his website or contact Mr. Sater at

Monday, May 24, 2010

How Can I Improve My Natural Health and Wellness By Eating Chocolate?

Mmmm. Chocolate. There was a lady giving it away at a table. I had to go over there. You could see people's eyes lighting up, so you knew it was the good stuff. Except this was like nothing I had tasted before. She gave me my little sample and then said, "Here, have some water." I kept tasting the chocolate after I drank the water!

The taste test hooked me. What I didn't know is how good this was for my natural health and wellness. The saleslady explained to me that her product was called TRU Chocolate. It was originally designed for obese children and diabetics. So, it had to be good for everyone.

She told me that TRU Chocolate was all natural, contained no dairy, no artificial sweeteners, and it was vegetarian friendly. Chocolate has a antioxidant count two times that of red wine and three times higher than green tea.

I also learned about ORAC scores. ORAC means Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This sample I had was one-fourth of a piece of the product. Only one piece had a ORAC score 3040. So what did this mean to me?

ORAC value is a measurement of the antioxidant capacity fo different supplements and foods. The higher the ORAC score, the more effectively it neutralizes free radicals. Free radical damage is what can lead to age-related disease and degeneration.

Just one piece of this chocolate had a high ORAC score contributing to my better health. What's more than the herbs infused in this product and a high antioxidant level, it was also extremely effective at suppressing my appetite. The TRU Chocolate also had ingredients known to promote healthy skin and healthy teeth. Now when's the last time someone told you chocolate promoted healthy teeth?!

The lesson I learned here is to get rid of the cheap, sugar-laden chocolate bars and get chocolate that is actually good for you and tastes great. TRU Chocolate satisfies chocolate cravings and suppresses the appetite so you lose weight, has a high ORAC rating increasing your health and longevity, plus it helps your skin and gives you healthy teeth. She then showed me a liquid version of the chocolate. Wow!
Here's to your natural health and wellness.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Obesity is Not Your Fault: How to Achieve Significant Weight Loss Through Nutritional Wellness.

Obesity. It has been named the number one health problem in America. Many today state that obesity has reached epidemic proportions. 58 million Americans are overweight. Eight out of ten over 25 years old are overweight. 44% of children under 15 years of age are obese.

But here is where our society gets it wrong. We are told that obesity is a cause of disease and that it is a disease of excess. I am here to tell you that obesity it is not your fault.

We do have to take some responsibility in relation to our bodies, but obesity is a nutritional deficiency. All related diseases are not due to a disease of excess, but again, diseases of nutritional deficiencies.

You will learn exactly what kind of nutrition your body needs to lose weight and I’ll also inform you today on foods you are eating that you don’t even know are bad for you. What’s more, you’ll learn what you need to replace those cravings and eliminate them for healthy weight loss.

For years, the animal industry has recognized that many diseases could be treated nutritionally. This is the reason why we don’t have major medical for our chickens and pigs and cows. We couldn’t afford to pay hundreds of dollars for eggs!

For some strange reason, we treat our animals better than ourselves. We can take the same nutritional wellness approach to our bodies and cure our ills instead of just treating the symptoms. When you recognize that obesity is a nutritional problem, you can begin to realize why you have those cravings.

Our bodies need 90 essential nutrients. We can’t get this through our foods because we don’t have these nutrients in our soils. We can only do so through supplementation. We need 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids. When we don’t have these, our body becomes susceptible to over 900 nutritional deficiency diseases.

When we have food cravings it is a sign of a nutritional deficiency. Let me draw you an analogy. I live in a beautiful place in Northern Utah. There are a lot of farmers. There are times when their horses develop something called cribbing. The horse will find some wood, chew on it, and suck air in.

Some farmers use muzzles and some use topical on the wood to try to prevent the horse from chewing on it. Some in the industry believe there is no cure for cribbing. But the smart farmers and ranchers realize this is a nutritional deficiency. They begin increasing the nutritional value in the horse’s feed and the cribbing stops.

That is essentially what we are doing when we have these food cravings. Cribbing. Munching. We not only have to attack weight loss by eating a healthy diet and some exercise, but we have to get rid of our nutritional deficiency.

I only know of one company that offers the entire array of supplementation the way our bodies need to receive it. If you would like to know more about that, feel free to contact me for more information. However, what are the foods that are destroying the bacteria and developing poor nutrition in our bodies?

The first major one is carbonated drinks. You may be telling yourself, “I am avoiding caffeine because I drink defacc and I only drink diet soda.” Yes, the caffeine is bad for your body, but the carbonation is worse. You are destroying the bacteria in your stomach needed to fight for your body.

Fried foods is next on the list. Think about how many times people go into a fast food restaurant and get their extra large soda and French fries! It’s no wonder we have so many health problems in America! Margarine, high fiber in your diet, and processed sugars round out what are the killers for your health.

Now you are thinking, “Okay, what can I eat?!” You need a low carbohydrate diet. A great way to reduce those cravings besides increasing your supplementation is through increasing the protein in your diet. Salted nuts are a great snack. Drink plenty of purified water.

In fact, I know of an amazing new product that just came out that is a sugar-free chocolate. I know I love chocolate. After you eat a piece of this chocolate, drink some water. The chocolate taste stays with you which helps with your cravings and decreases your appetite. It’s incredible.

Now for the dreaded word. Exercise. This is what people fear most. The problem here is we approach this all wrong. What we usually do is set a goal to exercise and we go out and join a gym or get a DVD and go all out. Then we become exhausted and quit. Let me share a personal story.

Before I found out about nutritional supplementation and that the discs in my back could be repaired, I underwent two back surgeries. None of which actually helped the problem, by the way. After my second back surgery, I was pushing 300 pounds. I knew this made it worse on my back and my Home Health physical therapist told me that besides the exercises he prescribed, I had to get some exercise.

He encouraged me to just walk in front of the house. I was just getting over back surgery, so I simply walked to the street and up and down in front of my house a couple of times. I set a goal to go just a little bit farther each day. Soon I was walking around the cul de sac. I know, not much.

But each day, I walked farther and farther. Down around the cul de sac and down the street. Next, from the end of the street down to the park and back. I literally walked off 50 lbs! Man, if I can do it, you can too. My point is to take baby steps.

Be creative. Take the stairs. Park your car farther from your destination instead of vying for the best parking spot. I don’t just go out to feed my dog everyday. We walk around the cul de sac and play. My wife and I take a walk together. Ride a bike. Kick a soccer ball with the kids. Have fun. Life is too short.

A note on exercise and getting the 90 essential nutrients required for your body. When we sweat, we sweat out those nutrients which makes it even more necessary for us to supplement. That is why professional athletes die sooner than the rest of us. Their joints take a pounding and they sweat out more nutrients without replacing them. That is another reason why nutritional wellness is so important for us.

The secret to tackling obesity is threefold. Eliminate those bad foods from your diet. Start moderate exercise. And the number one thing is to ensure you have the 90 essential nutrients for your body. You not only will live longer, but live healthier. Here’s to your good health!

For more information you can visit the website
and contact Brian Sater at

Welcome to Health Promotion and Wellness!

This blog is just for you. I care about what is happening in today's society regarding our health. The U.S. has the most expensive and technologically advanced healthcare system in the world. Yet, in terms of longevity, it ranks 24th in the world and as an overall health system, the U.S. is ranked 37th. Over 225,000 people die from medical malpractice injuries in a single year. There has to be a better way.

Thankfully, there is a better way. Our mainstream health system is adamant about treating our symptoms and not the root causes. Over 900 disease can be linked to nutritional deficiencies. My aim is to inform you of those diseases and how to prevent or help them.

So welcome. This is to your good health!

Brian Sater