Saturday, December 10, 2011

What Can Antioxidants Do for Your CardioVascular System?

A new study tells us that a diet rich in fruits, vegies, and grains may lead to a lower risk of cardiovascular issues.

These foods are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help you with dealing with free radicals. These free radical molecules try to increase oxidative stress which takes a key role in cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants neutralize those free radicals.

When you are exposed to smog, tobacco, radiation, and pollutants -and when your body does things like burning sugar, these unstable free radicals cause cellular damage.

This new study indicated that women who had a higher intake of antioxidant-rich foods may be reducing their risk of stroke. Antioxidant stress and inflammation can be reduced.

(Source: Steve Wallach, Yougevity International)
Did you listen to your mother? Eat your fruits and vegies!

Raising antioxidant levels also is believed by some to help fight diseases such as cancer.
Our supplements we offer list an ORAC score which gives you a number for antioxdant properties of the suppplement.

Did you even know that there are over 100 fruits and vegies?

You can 115 of them everyday and raise your ORAC score tremendously by using this:

Also in the study, the healthy women had about 5% of their diet in chocolate. Yes, chocolate is a source of antioxidants.

To get a great dark chocolate which is loaded with antioxidants, go here:
If you would like to know how to get 30% OFF retail on these products, just shoot me an e-mail at

Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Research Continues to Show Omega-3 Fatty Acids Are Important for Your Health

In the past, taking supplements was seen as a waste of money. Now we see the importantce of taking supplements such as Vitamin C, D, Selenium, and Omega-3s.

Most people call Omega-3s fish oil because the main source comes from fatty fish found in cold waters like salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, and halibut.

Studies show that taking a fish oil supplement is now as common as taking a multivitamin.

A Western diet of processed foods, fast foods, and too much overcooked red meat produces high inflammation in the body which can lead to cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.

A diet rich in dark green vegetables, fish, and nuts is anti-inflammatory. These foods are rich in omega-3s.

So how can an omega-3 supplement help you?

Recent studies show that it can slow the growth of prostate cancer cells and significantly and substantially ease the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Did you know that Youngevity has been the leader in the supplement industry to petition the FDA to establish health claims on the benefits of omega-3s or fish oil?

Research is proving those claims even more everyday.

(Source: Steve Wallach, CEO, AL International)

You can get your omega-3s and more to improve your health at

and if you want to Save 30% OFF Retail and Get FREE Shipping, just
send me and e-mail at  and I'll help you
get it.

Here's where I put my required FDA statement: *These statemetns have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Research Continues to Show Omega-3 Fatty Acids Important for Your Health!

In years past, taking supplements was seen as a waste of money. Today, we see the importantce of taking Vitamin C, D, Selenium, and Omega-3s (not to mention many others).

Most people call Omega-3s fish oil because the main source comes from fatty fish found in cold waters like salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, and halibut.

Taking a fish oil supplement is now as common as taking a multivitamin.

A Western diet of processed foods, fast foods, and too much red meat produces high inflammation in the body which can lead to cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.

A diet rich in dark green vegetables, fish, and nuts is anti-inflammatory. These foods are rich in omega-3s.

So what can an omega-3 supplement help with?

Recent studies show that it can slow the growth of prostate cancer cells and significantly and substantially ease the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Youngevity has been a leader in the supplement industry to petition the FDA to establish health claims on the benefits of omega-3s or fish oil.

Research is proving those claims even more everyday.

(Source: Steve Wallach, CEO, AL International)

You can get your omega-3s and more to improve your health at

and if you want to Save 30% OFF Retail and Get FREE Shipping, just send me and e-mail at  and I'll help you get it.

Here's where I put my required FDA statement: *These statemetns have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Latest on Bone Health. Nutrition You Should Know About Besides Calcium.

Supplements for bone health have been Calcium, and more recently, Vitamin D. The latest research, however, shows that not only do you need Vitamin D and Calcium, but many nutrients contribute to bone health.

New findings reported that deficiencies in Vitamins K, C, E, and B were associated with compromised bone health, bone loss, increased risk of fracture, and decreased bone strength.

Also of note as a deficiency of these vitamins were elevated homcysteine levels which are also a concern with cardiosvascular and cognitive health problems.

I was able to resolve serious issue with my back problems by combining a series of products. One, a multivitamin/mineral drink, Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT), Two, A powerful calcium/vitamin D3, Magnesium liquid supplement, Osteo FX, and Three, something called Gluco-Gel which included glucosamine sulfate.

Here's what the company says about these products:

Osteo-Fx PLUS™ – This bone and joint health formula features vitamin D and calcium plus co-factors such as phosphorus, magnesium, and boron to support calcium absorption; and MSM, glucosamine, and strontium to support healthy joints.*

Beyond Tangy Tangerine® – This complete multi-vitamin/mineral complex contains a base of Majestic Earth® Plant Derived Minerals blended a full range of key nutrients including vitamins C, D, E, and K.

Ultimate Gluco-Gel™ – The ultimate way to get your daily dose of gelatin. Gelatin contains chondroitin sulfate, a main building block of bone matrix, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue.*

They also mention these products:

Majestic Earth Liquid Gluco-Gel™ – This pleasant-tasting, proprietary blend of whole food, high-grade nutrients is formulated to feed muscles and maintain healthy bones and joints while helping to maintain flexibility.*

Ultimate CAL™ – Trace minerals are needed for optimal absorption and retention of calcium. Ultimate CAL provides 230 mg of calcium and is fortified with minerals that have been shown to improve calcium uptake, including phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.*

(Source: Steve Wallach, CEO, AL International)

You can check out these supplements for bone health and all of our premium products to improve your health at

and if you want to Save 30% OFF Retail and Get FREE Shipping, just shoot me an e-mail at

Here's where I put my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Defend Against Free Radicals. Antioxidants and What You Need to Know About Them.

Every day we are exposed to all types pollutants. We go through metabolic detoxification and burn sugar. As a result , our bodies produce free radicals wich are highly unstable molecules that contribute to cellular aging. Oxidative stress is a factor in many health problems and free radicals are believed to contribute to that oxidative stress.

Antioxidants happen to be one the most popular types of dietary supplements. Diets rich in antioxidant fruit and vegetables are known for extraordinary health. Antioxidants help neutralize the efffects of those damaging free radicals.

Let's look at some anti aging antioxidants. Here is a list of antioxidants found in some foods:

Vitamin E - safflower oils, sunflower oils, wheat germ

Anthocyanins - Blueberries, maqui berries

Vitamin C - strawberries, citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes

Beta-carotene - peppers, carrots, yams

Polyphenols - yellow onions, green tea, berries

Catechins - also in green tea

Selenium - brazil nuts

Flavonoids - soy, chocolate

Lycopene - watermelon, tomatoes, guava, pink grapefruit

Lutein - dark green, leafy vegetables

We all can eat healthier so we are getting a good supply of these natural antioxidants, but it is very difficult for most of us to do that. Especially since there are limited nutrients in the soil.

Some great antioxidant- rich supplements have been designed for you to be able to enjoy.

How would you like to eat chocolate and know that it is good for you?

Triple Treat Chocolate and other chocolate in this line provide you with high levels of cocoa polypehnols and flavonoids, powerful antioxidants believed to promote heart, eye, and brain health, as well as your overall health. Plus it's delicious!

Get Your Chocolate Here:

The mulivitamin/mineral drink Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT) is a blend of plant deried minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and many other beneficial nutrients. It's ORAC score, which helps determine the antioxidant level of a food or product, is 10 times that of similar products at 5745!

Get BTT here:

Phenol-menal Balance! is a drink with patented polyphenol extract full of healthful juices, vitamins, minerals, and herbs.

Ultimate OPC-T provides you with incredible anitoxidant properties of grape seedand green tea extracts.

Ultimate Selenium has 100 mcg of selenium plus vitamins, trace minerals, and other nutrients to support good health.

(Source: Steve Wallach, CEO, AL International)

If you haven't heard of the benefits of Selenium combined with a compliment of vitamins and minerals for Macular Degeneration, shoot me off an e-mal and request a Free CD and information on how to help eyesight.

Just contact me to improve your sources of antioxidants and to get a 30% discount and Free Shipping on these nutraceuticals at

You can check out all of our premium products to improve your health at

Here's where I put my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases

Saturday, October 22, 2011

How Do You Keep Your Brain Fit?

Having worked with people with dementia and traumatic brain injury, I teach my patients and their family members different ways to promote and assist memory.

Cognitive health is becoming more and more of a concern with all Americans.Keeping your social life intact, exercising, and challenging your brain are keys to maintaining your brain health. Crosswords, trivia, search- a-word, learning a new language, and reading - all of these are great ways to exercise your brain.

Nutritionally you may have read my posts on cholesterol-lowering medicine. I believe the lack of good cholesterol, which you need for your brain, may be contributing to dementia.

One study on Vitamin E reported that just providing 2000 IUs of Vitamin E to patients can increase brain function. Even people with dementia in this study demonstrated some improvement in thinking skills.

Products of choice for brain support. Here are two great neutraceuticals to help your brain:

SMART FX. DHA has been demonstrated to support both the best neural pathway function and cardiovascular health. This supplement was designed with omega-3 essential fatty acids to contain super concentrated DHA to give you some great brain food.

Renu IQ. This is a beverage which has the herb bacopa. Bacopa is believed to support memory and the anti-aging resveratrol is also in this drink. You can use this as a great drink to support your immune and cardiovascular health, memory and learning, concentration, mental alertness, and focus.

These products combined with a healthy daily supplement program, will help you live younger, longer.
(Source: Steve Wallach, AL International, Inc.).
Just contact me to improve your brain health and to get a 30% discount on these neutraceuticals at 

You can check out all of our premium products such as chocolate to improve your health at

Here's where I put my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief: New Study Shows Condroitin May Help

A new study by the University Hospitals of Geneva and the University of Geneva School of Medicine published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism, shows that Chondrotin supplements may help your pain and stiffness for your osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. 1 in 8 adults in the U.S. are affected by it. It reduces quality of life and is a major cause of work disability. The major risk factors are body mass index (BMI) and age. All forms of arthritis and related conditions cost Americans nearly $128 billion each year in terms of lost productivity and wages, in medical care, and other expenses.

The study had 162 participants with hand osteoarthritis. They had a chondroitin sulfate supplement or a placebo every day for 6 months. The group that received the supplement reported at the end of the 6 months that there was a significant decrease in hand pain and in morning stiffness.

If you know my story, condroitin sulfate was really significant in changing my back and my way of life. I still use it daily as a single supplement and it is included in other supplements I take.

I know by personal experience that condroitin sulfate can be one of the essential treatments for osteoarthritis.

If you'd like to know more about how condroitin sulfate can change your life, feel free to contact me at

You can also check out a variety of condroitin products online at:

or if you would like a 30% discount on those products, you can also contact me at


Lawrence RC, Felson DT, Helmick CG, et al. Estimates of the prevelance of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the United States. Part II. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(1):26-35.

Steve Wallach, Youngevity International
Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Is Your Child Getting Enough Vitamin D?

A new study says that your child is not getting enough Vitamin D, especially kids living in the Northern United States.

Our bodies manufacture Vitamin D from exposure to the sunlight. We start to synthesize the vitamin after about 15 minutes of good exposure to the sun.

Because of fears of skin cancer, lack of time outside, and increased use of sunblock, kids just aren't getting hardly any time in the sun.

Vitamin D is important in the growth of cells, immune function, muscle movement, and for growing healthy bones.

Foods with good sources of Vitamin D are tuna, salmon, orange juice, milk, yogurt, and eggs.

Kid's Toddy is a supplement designed just for growing children. With a great combination of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and amino acids and minerals, it also includes 200 IU of Vitamin D.

(Source: Steve Wallach, Yougevity International)

You can get Kid's Toddy here:

If you would like a 30% discount, just e-mail me at

Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Do You Know How the FDA gets 1/3 of its Money?

There is a big controversy in the drug industry. The authorities who review drugs for the FDA are often advisors for the drug companies.

The FDA receives 1/3 of its funding from the manufacturers of medical devices and the makers of drugs.

Because the FDA is searching for an expert without a conflict to review a drug or device on their panels, there are often delays while they look for someone.

It has become so difficult to find a doctor not associated with a company that the FDA may relax their standards. An indirect tie with a company may be allowed.

If you would like to look after your health without worrying about all of the dangerous side effects of drugs, I'd be glad to help you.

Just contact me at

If you would like to get started helping your body with the 90 essential nutrients it needs,

and get the YGY Healthy Start Pack.

Here's where I put in my required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

What is a Polyphenol and How Can it Help Me Live Longer?

I love talking about ways to lower cholesterol that you normally wouldn't think of. I think we have a problem with the way we look at it.

Like Chicken Little crying, "The Sky is Falling," today we hear."Lower Your Cholesterol!" Instead of being the good little sheep that we are and say,"Okay," we need to be asking, "Which cholesterol?"

I know you've heard of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. HDLs and LDLs. LDLs or low-density lipoproteins, our bad cholesterol can be lowered by improving our HDLs, the good cholesterol.

Now on to polyphenols! They have strong antioxidant properties. They can prevent cellullar damage. What's even better than that?

Chocolate has polyphenols called flavonoids which have been proven to lower blood pressure and balance your blood sugar level.

Candy can be healthy for me? Well, not any candy. Don't sugar yourself up on cheap chocolate candy bars. Dark chocolate contains the cocoa with all of those great polyphenols.

So what's a healthy way to get those polyphenols and chocolate?

Triple Treat Probiotic Chocolate - This is the Guilt-Free Chocolate designed by researchers today to taste good and be healthy.

Imagine a chocolate that is made up of dark chocolate, wild blueberries, and probiotics.

It can not only lift your mood, but help your body's stress levels, thinking skills, and optimize your immune system.This chocolate is also Kosher-certified.

(Source: Steve Wallach, Youngevity International)

If you'd like a 30% discount, just contact me at

This is where I put in my required FDA statement: FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Monday, August 29, 2011

My Munchies Refrigerator List

I wrote that I am putting a list on my frig of things that I can eat when I get hungry which are healthy to eat. Have you ever done the refirigerator stare? That's when you're hungry, you don't know what you want to eat, and you open the frig and stare at what's in there, wondering what you're going to eat.

That's why I came up with the list because you usually will make a bad choice just staring and not knowing what you want.

So, here's what's in or around my frig right now on my list:

Canteloupe and Honeydew melon cut up in a bowl (easy to snack on).
Baby carrots.
Greek yogurt.
I found some mixed nuts that had the ones above in it. Can't find it now, but I can mix these if I want.

Ok, so that's it for now, but you get the picture. You're hungry. You have food, but get the munchies and don't know what to have. Look at your list and you'll find you have a lot of healthy alternatives.

No healthy alternatives? Go shopping. Strawberries. Natural peanut butter and celery. Avocados. Dark chocolate. There are a lot of healthy foods that are great to eat.

To Your Health,


7 Ways To Deal With Stress

We're all stressed. What are we stressed about? A survey said that we are stressed about the following:

Money. Work. The Economy. Family responsibilites. Relationships.

Are you letting stress create unhealthy behaviors like skipping a meal, eating unhealthy foods and/or overeating?

Are you lacking energy, fatigued, or irritable? All of these are signs of stress.

Stress affects our growth, reproduction, digestion, and immune response. Stressed too long, it affects our heart, weight, memory and thinking skills, and our sleep.

Here are the 7 Ways to Reduce Stress and 2 Important Helps:

Get regular exercise - take a walk, don't skip exercise because you can't "workout."

Eat a healthy diet. We just stopped by the produce stands on the highway to get fresh peaches, zucchini, and peas. I am starting a new habit of putting a list of good foods I can snack on on the fridge: baby carrots, apples, nuts, greek yogurt, etc.

Get proper rest - you can actually lose weight by helping your body get adequate sleep and rest.

Practice relaxation - yoga, meditation, mine is Spring Forest Chi Gong (ha - you can ask me about it).

Have a sense of humor - my wife always has a way to make me laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.

Nourish your relationships. Healthy relationships also translate into a healthy body.

The 2 additional helps for your body:

D-Stress from Supralife - Replenish your body with B complex vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and some extra great nutrients.

I'm excited to learn about some benefits from R-Garden:

EpiCor - This has a combo of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. It has been shown to support immune health. It's a great way to maintain health.

Tryptophan Formula - Many of us have heard of L-tryptophan. It converts to the neuro-transmitter serotonin, which is a precusor to the sleep hormone melatonin. A great natural way for healthy sleep.

(Source: Steve Wallach. Youngevity International)

To Learn more about these just go to

If you would like to know how to get a 30% discount on these just contact me at

OR if you just want to ask me a health question, ask me at

Here's where I put in the required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tropical Storm Irene

I wanted to post some helpful links related to Tropical Storm Irene.

For those of us not affected by the Storm, it is important to be prepared for any disaster, natural or economic.
The hurricane center has a good list of items for preparedness:

This link from the American Red Cross has several links about preparedness

Here's the Red Cross' Disaster Supplies Kit list:

You can help in a variety of ways. I just want to remind people to go to the American Red Cross and not a scam website where you can truly help.

The American Red Cross website tells you exactly how you can help and the easiest way is to
donate is to  Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 or call 1-800 RED CROSS.

It is also a good idea to be prepared on the go wherever you are at with a "To Go" bag for your car/self labeled with your id with items from the supply kit above so you can go at a moment's notice. Many of these disasters have hit during the night when people were asleep and unprepared.

I personally believe in keeping a stock of supplements which can provide me with great health in an emergency.

Here is my list of health supplement supplies:

m95 disposable facemasks

A 6 mos supply water person - I now get 360 water.
6 - 1 ys supply  Meal Replacement Shakes

Ultimate Classic
EFA Plus
Glutathion - Projoba Hepol is a good choice for this.
Ocean's Gold- After the Japanaese nuclear disaster, many were looking for products with high iodide. This is the healthy choice.
zRadical is another great choice like Ocean's Gold
Triple Treat Chocolate - chocolate for emergencies? Not just chocolate, Triple Treat Chocolate blends antioxidant-rich cocoa and wild-craft blueberries with probiotics, live bacteria that improve your intestinal balance of good versus bad microorganisms, boosting overall health and helping fight off disease. Store in a cool place.
Cell Shield RTQ - (Resveratrol, Turmeric, and Quercetin) gives you potent protection against cell-damaging free radicals
Mineral Caps
Osteo FX Plus
Beyond Tang Tangerine

Pollen burst- I take this for a healthy energy pick up rather than those horrible energy drinks.

You can find out more about these on my website:

If you want to get these products at a 30% discount or

If you have any questions, contact me at

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's 92 Degrees. Are You Cooling Off Properly? How to Avoid Dehydration.

It's summertime and most of the nation is really hot. Right now at 6:30 PM in Northern Utah it is 92 Degrees. I have to be careful, myself, because I get dehydrated easily. Dehydration is when you lose more water than when you take in .

When you sweat, you lose fluid and not just water. You lose those precious minerals that you have in your body. That's one reason why couch potatoes live 13 years longer than athletes. Athletes sweat more in 5 years than a normal person would in one.

Athletes don't replace those minerals and are at more risk for nutritional deficiency diseases. At the extreme, when you become dehydrated you may experience fever, diarrhea, and vomiting.

More commonly, when you start feeling dehydrated you get light headed or dizzy (that's me), sleepy, thirsty, and may have dry mouth.

Now let me share with you my favorite way to stay hydrated.

Water is great You should be drinking plenty of it daily. Just water will not replace those minerals you sweat out that I mentioned earlier. If you're going to drink bottled water, get some that is really pure like 360 Water.

We're all familiar with sports drinks, but most of them have tons of sugar and aren't healthy at all for you. Here's my favorite. It's called Rebound FX. You'll get the minerals you need which we talked about, a natural balance of antioxidants, and you can pick from four great flavors. Unlike some popular high sodium sports drinks that may have a couple of nutrients, Rebound FX has 100!
(Source: Steve Wallach and Yougevity International).

You can get 360 Water and Rebound fx at

If you want to get a 30% discount on these great products, just contact me at

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What Can Probiotics Do for You - And What Are Prebiotics?

I had heard of probiotics for years. Probiotics are naturally found in your body especially in your digestiive system. They're basically the good bacteria found in the gut. Why is this so important?

We need a healthy immune system and to be able to absorb nutrients properly. About 70% of our immune cells are made up in the lining or our intestinal tract.

Now prebiotics initiate the growth of probiotics.

When I think of probiotics, yogurt is the first thing that comes to mind. Thank you Michael Weston for promoting yogurt (Burn Notice fans know what I mean)!

Probiotic supplements have also been popular to help with diarrhea, gas, and bloating. We are now finding out that probiotics can help with women's health, skin care, and oral health, as well as your immune system.

I'm going to mention two great ways you can introduce prebiotics and probiotics into your system. These will help you with a healthy digestive system and they can also benefit you with weight loss.

The first is Ultimate Flora FX. This specially designed probiotic will help with your digestiive health and it contains a prebiotic that will nourish that beneficial bacteria in your small intenstine.

The other one you can't resist. Imagine a chocolate that helps you lose weight. Triple Treat Probiotic Chocolate is what we call "The Guilt-Free Chocolate!" All Natural, Gluten- free, Dairy-free, Glycemic-friendly, and contains No Preservatives.
(Source: Steve Wallach and Youngevity International)

Here's where I put in the required FDA statement: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.


You can improve your health with these by going right to
OR if you want to save 30% OFF retail price, just let me know at
Do you just have a health question and want to know if mineral and vitamin supplementation can help? You can also ask me that at

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Vitamin D and COPD?

We've heard about the benefits of Vitamin D with health and depression, but now there may be benefits for COPD sufferers.

We're now learning that Vitamin D can help improve the strength of the respiratory system and has helped people be able to exercise longer.

Studies have shown that people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder have low levels of Vitamin D. Whether those with COPD have low Vitamin D aren't spending enough time outside or there are genetic reasons, increasing Vitamin D may help.

I have a couple of great ways to get my Vitamin D. Every day as part of getting my 90 essential nutrients, I take Osteo FX Plus as part of my YGY Healthy Start pack.

I also like to take a product by Projoba called Pollen Burst. It is a great anti-aging supplement, gives you some great energy for the day, and has Vitamin D!

You can check out these great health items at or if you want to get 30% Off the listed price, just contact me at

If you have a health question, let me know. I'll be glad to help you improve your health with vtiamin and and mineral supplementation - remember, it's without the side effects of prescription drugs!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How Can You Easily Get Your Daily Fruits and Vegies?

Are you exercising less, eating less healthy, or even smoking more ( I hope you're not even smoking! )?

The latest Gallup poll says Americans are doing just that. I believe a lot of it has to do with the current economic recession in the U.S. I think people are depressed, so they exercise less, they have less money, so they buy fewer fruits and vegetables, and people smoke more when they are depressed as well.

Let's talk about why this is and how to change it!

It seems like these things are contrary to what they should be. If you don't have a lot of money, why spend it on more cigarettes? Yet, when we are depressed, we can do just that.

In a poor economy, things like fresh fruits and vegetables become more expensive. Even though whole foods make us healthier and feel better, we tend not to buy them because we can't afford them.

The same with exercise. We become depressed and not motivated to exercise. Yet exercise is the thing that would actually make us feel better especially this time of they year.

If you know me, you know that I changed my poor health through mineral and vitamin supplementation. When we treat our bodies to the 90 esssential nutrients our bodies need daily, our bodies heal themselves. I improved my back problems and got rid of my chronic kidney stones - after being ill for years.

I get 115 fruits and vegetables daily. And so can you!

You didn't even know there were 115 fruits and vegetables did you?

I use an amazing product called Beyond Tangy Tangerine. It's A great-tasting powdered drink mix, with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables, and many other beneficial ingredients to help keep you in good health. Plus, it’s available in two forms–a 420 gram canister or a 30-count box of single serving packets—making it easy to get good nutrition whether you’re at home or on the go.

I know I love fruits and vegetables. Yet when I hear that I need to get 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day, I sometimes wonder how or if I can do that. Yet with my supplements, I know I can do just that and more!

For less than a buck and quarter a day, you can get what your body needs and fend off hundreds of nutritional deficiency diseases each day.

I personally go beyond this and spend about 3.75 a day, less than your fast food meal, sometimes less than one of those fancy coffees you buy each day, to keep my body healthy and make sure I get my 90 essential nutrients.

Like I say, it's better than Health Insurance, it's Health Assurance.

If you want Beyond Tangy Tangerine, go to

or if you want to save 30% and get FREE shipping, just contact me at

P.S. Our products are why people are living healthy, happy lives beyond the average 75 years, feeling much younger than their biological age!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Will You Suffer from An Age-Related Disease?

"Getting old sucks," my friend said. "I guess so," I replied," but I can help you with that."

Many people out there, especially the Baby Boomers coming up, don't realize that they do not have to suffer from age-related diseases.

The latest study I read discussed the importance of multi-vitamins which included Selenium and the effect it had on age-related diseases such as cancer, loss of immune function, heart disease, and loss of brain function.

This is what the MD, Dr. Gerald Wasserman, had to say about this study,"“This paper should settle any debate about the importance of taking a good, complete, multivitamin every day….As this report shows, taking a multivitamin that contains selenium is a good way to prevent deficiencies that, over time, can cause harm in ways that we are just beginning to understand."

Of course we've been teaching the importance of the 90 essential nutrients required to avoid hundreds of nutritional diseases. We've known about this in animals for years and yet we treat ourselves less than animals and don't apply our knowledge to ourselves.

I'll be glad to help you make sure you get the 90 essential nutrients and answer any questions you have about your health plus how you can improve any condition you have through nutritional supplementation. Don't suffer needlessly. Contact me at

Check out the new Beta version of our website at

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Are We Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Why do we need Vitamin D? Most of us know that Vitamin D helps in building strong bones. It does it through support of calcium absorption, to support cardiovascular, immune, and nervous system function.

Can't I just get some more sunshine? Yes, we do get Vitamin D from the sun, but most of us do not get enough sun for two reasons. One, we typically spend most of our time indoors, even in the summertime. Two, we use a lot of sunscreen now preventing the absorption of Vitamin D when we are out in the sun.

The latest data shows that one third of Americans have below-level Vitamin D levels and one fourth of Canadians have below-level Vitamin D levels. Another study explains that Vitamin D is important in men's reproductive health.

Most of us know that we can find Vitamin D in milk products, but we can also get it from fatty fish such as tuna and salmon. In smaller amounts, we even get it from egg yolks and cheese. Yes, don't throw away those egg yolks! That is where all of the nutrition is!

How can we get that extra Vitamin D? There's a cool product called Pollen Burst. No, it doesn't have pollen that affects you if you're allergic to pollen. Pollen Burst has Vitamin D and is a great drink to start the day. Throw away that expensive coffee that will leave you flat and get Pollen Burst.

It helps the body fight the damages done to it by dangerous free radical molecules, toxins, and other environmental stresses - and it is a great source of Vitamin D!

Click Here , Click on the Order Now button and type in Pollen Burst.

If you want to save 30% , contact me at

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Calcium and Bone Health. How to Increase Bone Density and Build Bone.

44 Million Americans, more than half of those 50 years of age and older, have issues with bone health. Who needs to be the most concerned? Postmenopausal women 50 years of age and older.

Why are these women most prone? Because they are prescribed prescription drugs more than others in the population. These prescriptions are not only expensive, but they also can cause problematic effects for joint and bone health.

Long-term use of prescription drugs for bone health has been shown to increase the risk of hip fractures and jaw fractures. This is exactly what these drugs are supposed to prevent!

In recent studies, adults who increased vitamin D and calcium for bone health were shown to reduce the risk for hip fracture and increase their bone mineral density.

Those who benefitted the most supplemented and changed their lifestyle by making sure they had enough protein, magnesium, potassium, and they included weight bearing exercise for bones.

I personally take a couple of ounces of Osteo-fx PLUS to increase bone density which is designed to support healthy bones and joints. Just click on the words below the bottle here to get it.

Osteo-fx PLUS
If you would like to save 30% on quality supplements that can help improve your health, just contact me at Feel free to ask me a question about how to improve your health problem.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fibromayalgia Natural Treatment. Is There Help?

Today I'm looking at a sad picture. I'm online with a major news station's website here in Utah and there is a photo of a woman lying in bed because she is suffering from fibromyalgia. The saddest thing to me is that she can be helped and doesn't know it.

The medical community says the fibromyalgia diagnois includes tenderness in localized areas and widespread musculoskeletal pain. They say that it is the amplification of pain signaled by the brain.

The expert physician stated that fibromyalgia research shows that cognitive behavioral therapy and exericse provide some response for the patient with fibromyalgia.

If the expert can only provide you with only somewhat of a response, I am looking for fibromyalgia pain relief somewhere else.

We have known how to treat fibromyalgia in the animal industry since the 1950's. It is known there under one name as stiff lamb disease.

Fibromyalgia pain relief is achieved by understanding that this is a nutritional deficiency disease of the muscles. As Americans, we do not get the nutrients we need in our diets due to lack of nutrients in the soil and processed foods.

So what are the treatments for fibromyalgia that work?

We need to change our diet and supplement with the 90 essential nutrients our bodies need. Add glucosamine sulfate and some other ingredients, and truly treating fibromyalgia is achieved.

The medical community is allowed to use the word cure when they deem it appropriate. However, when any other method that really benefits someone is used, it is not allowed. This is a sad state we live in but there is help for our diseases today, especially fibromyalgia.

Here is what has been suggested as nutritional treatments for fibromyalgia. Let's start with your diet and then the exact supplements you will need.

Don't forget your diet. You have to eliminate all fried foods, wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Yes that includes oatmeal. Oils in cooking or salad oils. Not even olive oil.

Eliminate well done meat. Rare or medium rare is alright because you haven't cooked all of the nutrients of it. Avoid  deli meat, any nitrates added to meat – tell your butcher,"No Nitrates."
Soda. Drinking soda with a meal especially neutralizes stomach acid and does not allow your stomach to process the nutrients you need. Skin of a baked potato (or yam, or sweet potato). If you boil a potato, you can eat the skins.

You can contact me for a complete list of the good foods you can eat and the bad foods to avoid.

Now you want to increase your antioxidants and your ORAC score. The Beyond Tangy Tangerine does wonders for that and is a fantastic health supplement. You want to use an ounce per 100 lbs of body weight. 2 scoops in the morning and at night would do the trick for most of us. That's about 2 canisters.

Osteo FX Plus will provide you with great calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D3 and other important supplements for your body. A couple of ounces in the morning and night. 2 bottles.

Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 3s, 6s, and 9s round out the 90 essential nutrients. You'll need 180 of the EFA Plus each month.That's 6 each day.

The most important thing to add are the Gluco-Gels. They will support maintenance and repair of joint, tissues, and connective tissues. Take 15 of these daily, 3 with each meal to make it easy to remember and stretch it out throught the day.

As far as exercise for fibromyalgia? You shouldn't exercise until you feel better. When you sweat, you don't just sweat water. You sweat out the minerals in your body. You don't want to be sweating out the minerals you are needing for your body to recover.

When you are feeling better, by all means do some low impact exercise. Just make sure that in addition to your nutrition plan, you replace those minerals you sweat out. I use Rebound FX after exercise, which is endorsed by a All-Star basketball player.

6 million Americans don't need to suffer with fibromyalgia. Treating fibromyalgia is happening daily for sufferers. You can go back to a normal life once you find a fibromyalgia natural treatment which is effective like this one.

Everyone is different and you may have other health issues besides the fibromyalgai. Make sure you contact me with any other health issues so I can steer you in the right direction on all of your health issues. I can also help you save 30% on these products by contacting me at

I am including the required disclaimer because I am not selling approved FDA drugs that may harm you.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

You can find these products at

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Lower Major Risk Factor for Heart Disease

Do you know when the first paper linking omega-3 and heart disease risk was published? Over 40 years ago! Yet most people don't know about the benefits of omega-3s nor are they getting this supplement.

In a recent meta analysis published in the journal Nutrition, supplementation with omega-3s was associated with lower blood levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that at elevated levels, is believed to be a major risk factor in heart disease.

A meta analysis combines data from several smaller studies to give a larger sample size. You achieve a much stronger conclusion than in a single study analysis, so you can see the significance of this study.

They looked at 720 people from 11 placebo-controlled trials to determine the benefit of omega-3 intake. The participants took omega-3s at doses from 0.2 to 6 grams a day.

I personally take not only omega-3's but also omega 6's and 9's. I combine the fish oil with flaxseed oil and borage oil. These essential fatty acids round out my nutritional program of 90 essential nutritients helping me prevent hundreds of nutritional deficiency diseases.

And I can get all of this in one product. EFA Plus:

I can help you save 30% on this product. Just email me at

Here's where I put the obligatory FDA required notice, but know that Youngevity has led the way in petitioning the FDA to establish health claims regarding the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Dr. Wallach is known for winning his petition for Selenium health claims with the FDA and Youngevity continues leading with this course for our health.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Are All Vitamin supplements Created Equal?

I have worked in the medical industry for awhile. What you see behind the scenes is quite interesting. When it comes to vitamin supplements, if you know people who work in radiology, then you know that all supplements may not be created equal.

For example, under x-ray, we see supplements that are still lodged somewhere in the patient's system, instead of being processed through the system.

In another part of the health system, it is reported that supplements have completed passed through the entire system and come out in a patient's stool almost how they entered the oral cavity!

Short answer, yes, all supplements are not created equal.

When it comes to vitamin and mineral supplements, you want a product that is bioavailable, easily absorbed, and manufactured to a very high standard of quality.

Americans have been increasingly recognizing the importance of dietary supplementation over the years, even the past few years.

We've been using more multi-vitamins, minerals, calcium, and Vitamin D, as we consider them to be of vital importance to our diet.

As medical costs are going up, people are including more supplements in their diet as well.

If you know my story, my back got saved by a superior supplementation program. If you want similar results for your health problems, you can choose from a variety of the best supplements here:

Not sure what you need for your health problem? Let me help. I can also get you a 30% discount. Contact me at

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Support Good Blood Sugar Metabolism, Healthy Weight, and Cardiovascular Function - with Tangerines!

That's right. Turns out all of time I was told to "just try" or "eat up" those tangerines, I had no idea of their great antioxidant properties! By the way, I do enjoy tangerines.

So what makes tangerines so good? In a word, flavonoids. Flavonoids give vegetables and fruits their color, they're pigments. Flavonoids are well known for antioxidant effects.

Also in the white pith of the tangerine is a compound called nobiletin. In a study, mice were treated with nobiletin and they were initially showed that it aided with obesity.

Then, in longer term studies, the mice were protected from plaque build up in the arteries and atherosclerosis, which can lead to stroke and heart attack.

This information comes from Dr. Murray Huff, Director of the vascular biology research group at the Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, USA.

So how can you get your dose of citrus peels? Beyond Tangy Tangerine has not only this, but it is rich in bioflavonoids and a variety of fruits and vegetables in a tasty drink.

You can get it in a small canister:

or handy, individual packs:

Get Beyond Tangy Tangerine Here:

Better yet, contact me and get 30% off!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Drugs or Supplements for Weight Loss?

Survey says...
34% of Americans are using supplements to lose weight. What was interesting about this survey, is that it was paid for by Big Pharma.

From Nov '05 to Jan '06, researchers at UConn surveyed 3500 people. About half said they made serious efforts to lose weight for at least a period of 3 days. A third said they used supplements and 15% said they used prescriptions.

Next on the list were herbal products, exercise, and dieting.

I find dieting last on the list to be interesting. Before you buy the next fad pill, consider your health and make sure you use a healthy supplement program to lose weight with healthy eating.

Americans don't put healthy food in their diets and the healthy, natural food we do eat, does not receive enough minerals and nutrients from our depleted soils to give us what we need.

That makes supplementation even more important for our health.

We have created an entire supplement-based weight loss program that will not only help you lose weight the healthy way, but improve your health and help eliminate the chance for you to contract over 900 nutritional deficiency diseases!

As you take our health supplements, your body will start craving healthy foods. This will definitely help you meet your weight loss goals this year!

I'll be glad to personally help you  along the way. You can get 30% off our SlenderFX and other healthy supplements by contacting me at

You can find out more about healthy supplements here:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can You Improve Prostate Health with Selenium and Vitamin E?

Scientists from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston reported that exposure of biopsy samples from people with cancer to Selenium or Vitamin E, or both, expressed certain genes in the prostate.

Combined exposure producing results similar to that observed in people with no prostate cancer.

Lead author Dimitria Tsavachidou wrote in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,"To the best of our knowledge, this study was the first detailed systematic pathological interrogation to be completed in
preoperative patients with favorable risk prostate cancer.”

Of course we have been teaching about the importance of Selenium, Vitamin E, and the 90 Essential nutrients for years, back when it was considered "quackery." Let us answer your specific health questions here:

You can get Selenium and other quality nutrients here:


The National Eye Institute in Bethesda, MD recently announced research concluding that a diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids could promote healthy eyes. Personally, macular degeneraiton is important to me because it runs in my family, so this is really important news to me.

The researchers found that a diet rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids could retard the progression of lesions in a mouse model of Age related Macular Degeneration ro AMD. The Fatty Acids were also associated with the improvement in some lesions. Studies have already reported that Omega 3 may protect against the onset of AMD

“The results in these mice are in line with the epidemiological studies of AMD risk reduction by long chain Omega 3 Fatty Acids,” wrote the researchers in the American Journal of Pathology.

We already know that Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and particularly DHA, play an important role in the layer of nerve cells in the retina.

This truly is exciting news about eye health, something most of us take for granted. Essential Fatty Acids are a part of my daily health regimen. Along with Beyond Tangy Tangerine, EFA Plus can help you get the 90 Essential Nutrients you need on a daily basis to avoid hundreds of nutritional deficiency diseases.

Go search Beyond Tangy Tangerine and EFA Plus here:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Migraines May Be Reduced with Use of B-Vitamins

New research from Down Under indicates B-Vitamins may reduce the frequency of migraines. Vitamins B6, B12, and Folic Acid can reduce how severe, frequent, and incapacitating a migraine can be.

The researchers from Geromics Research Center at Griffith University in Brisbane explained that plasma homocysteine was lowered by daily supplementation with folic acid combined with Vitamins B6 and B12.

Led by Professor Lyn Griffiths, researchers concluded that by supplementing, the patients "improved health related productivity and...quality of life." Migraines were reported to be reduced by 50%.

Learn more about quality supplements at

You may direct specific questions to

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Low Vitamin D Levels and Asthma

A new study was done in equatorial Costa Rica indicating children may be a higher risk for developing asthma.

John Brehm, the lead author from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, wrote,"In these Children, lower Vitamin D levels are associated with increased markers of allergy and asthma severity.”

The study also reported that low Vitamin D levels in these children also indicated increased frequency of hospitalization.

They also wrote,“ A log of 10 unity increase in Vitamin D levels was associated with reduced odds of any hospitalization in the previous year, any use of anti-inflammatory medications in the previous year, and increased airway responsiveness.”

Search Pollen Burst at  for a delicious, quality Vitamin D product.

For a 30% discount and to learn more about nutrition supplementation contact

Thursday, February 3, 2011

More Benefits of Vitamin D!

Several studies have indicated that Vitamin D deficiency can lead to an increased risk of Depression, of course, but also Osteoporosis, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease.

The relationship of these diseases can also be linked in a way to an increased risk for Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. A new study reported that out of 50 to 70 year olds, as many as 90 percent of them may be Vitamin D deficient or insufficient in Vitamin D.

The study reported that Vitamin D provided a beneficial role in reducing the risk of diseases linked to Dementia as well as decreasing the risk of several mechanisms that lead to Dementia (I am citing Dr. William Grant, PhD, of "SUNARC" Research).

As I see everyone sipping their coffee and crashing on their caffeine, I introduce them to great-tasting Vitamin D drinks. A warm Pollen Burst Energy Drink will get you the Vitamin D you need and a healthy way to get that warm, tasty drink you crave.

For more information on Pollen Burst and other healthy supplements, go to and for a 30% discount and answers to your health questions, contact Brian Sater,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A LIttle More Wine Please!

You've probably heard that drinking a small amount of wine can be beneficial to your health, but do you know where that idea even comes from? Researchers have found an antioxidant compound called resveratrol which assists with anti-obesity, anti-insulin, and anti-aging properties.

Resveratrol stimulates production of adipnectin which is a hormone released by the fat cells that helps regulate energy and insulin sensitivity. French people have low heart disease and low obesity despite a diet which is high in fats and high in levels of wine drinking. They call this "The French Paradox." Resveratrol is an incredibly strong polyphenol and anti-fungal compound found in grapes.

If you're like me and don't drink alcolhol, or even if you do, there is a better way to get the anti-aging benefits of resveratrol. In fact, you can blow away the benefits of drinking wine. There is a new product on the market now called Cell Shield RTQ.

Only one daily serving of Cell Shield RTQ gives you the equivalent benefits of drinking 294 glasses of wine! You don't even have to drink alcolol and you could never reach these benefits by drinking wine!

So what does RTQ stand for? I've told you about the R. The T is Tumeric and the Q is for Quercetin. Tumeric is know for promoting: healthy brain function, digestion, immune stysteem, healthy skin, and cellular longevity. Quercetin is a flavonoid found in red grapes, tomatoes, broccoli and red berries. Quercetin promotes healthy immune function, lung and cardiovascular funciotn, healthy blood sugar metabolism, and also cellular longeviy.

So, if you want to have a better immune system to help fight off diseases, better heart health, a healthy metabolism(which helps with your weight), promote functioning of your brain, healthy skin, and increase your longevity, this has been a breakthrough product for you.

Don't just live longer, live younger, longer.

To find out more about Cell Shield RTQ and get answers to your health questions, contact or go to the website:

Friday, January 7, 2011

Healthy Weight Loss is Not About That New Diet!

Hi Everybody!

With the New Year here everyone is talking about weight loss as their New Year's resolution. I just did a Google search and saw all kinds of fad diets.

Hmm.. why do you think they call them "fad diets?" Because they come and go just like that weight you were trying to lose and put back on.

My first piece of advice with weight loss as you have seen in the blog is to start with nutrition. We usually are craving foods that are bad for us and we put on weight because of a lack in our nutrition.

Once we start getting the right supplementation, our bodies don't crave all of that garbage  - and you'll actually feel like puttting healthy foods into your body.

I was just at a potluck and someone was trying to help me dish up some salad. There was a ton of salad, I knew that it wouldn't be touched much, so I took a big helping. I think she was surprised to see me load up on the salad and take a small helping of the main dish. Just the opposite of everyone else.

It's no secret on the blog now that I supplement with Youngevity products. In fact I really owe them for getting my back into shape again. I didn't know you could do that with supplements.

Anyway, once I started taking Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the EFA plus products, my cravings went down and I started taking a real interest in healthy food. I know you will too. There is also a really cool product to help with weight loss that they have called SlenderFX.

It is not a typical meal replacement shake. It doesn't have all of those sugars that many others do and claim to be a weight loss shake. This is actually good for you and it tastes good. There is a complete SlenderFx system for losing weight which promotes healthy weight loss.

Here's a picture of SlenderFX with some quick, delicious recipes:

                       CONTACT ME AT

It's time you started the New Year with Healthy Weight Loss, not just another fad diet. I'll be glad to keep in contact with you and support you in your goals.

Here's to YOU, Living Younger, Longer,

Bri Sater